Chapter 1: Never Steal Zoë's Food

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My nightmare began in Florida.

Why Florida, I have no idea. Maybe it was just Morpheus playing tricks on me again. Or maybe it was Hera tormenting me. Maybe it was just my mother reminding me that I'm not allowed to go to Florida again on account of the fact that I'm wanted there for arson and massive property damage.

In my nightmare, my satyr - yes, he's a satyr, the half-goat, half-man from Greek mythology - best friend, Grover, was shuffling along a sidewalk past little tourist shops and surfboard rental places in a thunderstorm. He looked terrified; he was constantly looking behind him, as though something was chasing him. Grover was covered in wet sand; he must've come from the beach.

A bone-chilling growl cut through the air, and Grover shuffled faster. Behind him, at the far end of the block, a shadowy figure appeared and swatted aside a lamp post, which burst and broke in a shower of sparks.

"Have to get away," Grover muttered to himself fearfully. "Have to warn them!"

The thing chasing him was out of my vision, but I could hear it cursing and muttering. The ground shook as it got closer. Terrified, Grover dashed around a street corner, only to find himself in a dead-end full of shops. The only thing he could do was to run into a shop, whose door had been blown open by the storm. The sign in the dark window read ST. AUGUSTINE BRIDAL BOUTIQUE.

Grover dove behind a rack of wedding dresses, and the shadow of the thing that was chasing him passed in front of the shop. It smelled foul, a disgusting mixture of rotten meat, wet wool, and that weird body odor only monsters have. Grover trembled, but the monster's shadow had passed on. There was silence except for the pounding rain. I thought Grover was okay until the lightning flashed, the entire front of the shop exploded, and a monstrous voice screamed,  "MIIIIIIIINEEEE!"

"Grover!" I shouted, waking with a start, sitting up very quickly, and hitting my head on the top of my tent.

Chief! My red wolf, Agro, barked. Are you okay?

"Fine," I panted. "Sorry, I woke you."

What happened? My red-shouldered hawk, Zade, squawked.

I described my nightmare to the two of them.

"I think Grover's in trouble," I said.

Might be, Zade squawked. Can we get breakfast? I'm starving.

"Okay," I said. "Let's go."

I grabbed my bow and quiver of arrows, slung them over my bag, sheathed my daggers, and crawled out of my tent followed by Agro and Zade. The early morning light made the dew on the grass sparkle. I stretched my hands above my head and yawned.

"Race you!" I whispered to Agro and Zade, so I didn't wake my fellow Hunters. "Ready, Go!"

I started sprinting down through the forest toward Maine's Saint John's River. Once I reached the river, I found the deepest part possible and dove in. The cool river water woke me up as I swam through the water. 

Fish swimming by me said Good morning, my lady! as I passed.

"Good morning," I said back cheerfully.

I resurfaced when I heard Agro coming up and said, "Too slow, Agro!"

You're too fast! Agro barked, jumping in and swimming to my side. You always beat me. 

Together, Agro and I flipped over onto our backs and floated down the river. Zade came flying over and sat on my stomach, staring broodily at the water (He hated water).

Twins of the Hunt - Book 2: Torn Apart ✔️Where stories live. Discover now