Chapter 1: Apparently, My Trauma Might Be A Problem

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"You can do this, Serena," I said.

The mustang mare whinnied in distress as I stroked her head. I sent a wave of calm over her as I sensed the shift in her back muscles.

"Hunter," I called, "come take over, please."

Hunter hurried over and replaced me as the one comforting the pregnant mare. I stood up, grabbed a bear skin, and strode over to Serena's backend.

"Are we sure this is going to go right?" Pax asked anxiously.

"Don't worry," I replied. "I've done this many times."

I focused my attention back onto Serena as her muscles started contracting. I lifted the bear skin and guided the newborn out; the foal stared up at me with amber eyes full of curiosity.

Serena nickered softly and moved her foal. She nuzzled him and began licking him clean.

"It's a colt," I said.

The Hunters all cheered and gathered around to see the little foal. He had a fuzzy black coat with a white blaze running down his face with 4 white socks on his legs. The foal started the struggle to sort out his legs. It took him a few attempts, but finally he managed to stand. Serene nickered in approval and moved her hindquarters so he could nurse.

"What are going to call him?" Raiden asked.

Rio, Serena neighed. I'm calling him Rio.

"That's a good name," remarked Dad.

"We should sacrifice to Artemis for a safe birth," Phoebe said.

It had been five months since I had last seen my mother. She, along with Apollo, were hunting the most dangerous monsters at the orders of Zeus. This had left Thalia and I in charge of the Hunt.

"I'll grab the meat," said Thalia.

I summoned a cypress tree from the ground, plucked off its leaves, and started to weave it into a wreath; meanwhile, Pax and Dad lit a fire. Once I was done, I placed the wreath, while Thalia placed the deer meat on the fire.

"Mother," I declared, "Artemis, goddess of the hunt and protector of animals, we thank you for this successful birth with this sacrificd. May victory be yours in your monster hunting endeavors."

A breeze rustled through the forest at my words, carrying the scent of cypress and palm trees, the sacred plants of my mother. I took this as a sign that she was pleased with our sacrifice. I turned around to speak to Serena and Rio.

"You may leave now if you wish," I said. "I am grateful that you sought me out, and with Artemis's blessing, you and Rio will be protected on your journey home."

Serena bowed to me. I am forever in your debt, my lady. Thank you.

"There's no need to thank me. It is my duty to guard and help the wild and its creatures."

The mare nodded her up and down as much as a mustang could and, with her colt leading, cantered off into the trees in the direction of the grass plains of Nevada. Once they had disappeared, Raiden extinguished the remaining remnants of the fire and walked over to me.

"What are the plans for lunch?" she asked.

"I saw some wild strawberries over there this morning," Pax chime, pointing east. "Let's eat those."

"We also have leftover antelope meats from last night's hunt," Thalia said. "We'll eat that."

"Agro and I will gather the spices and sauces," I announced. "If anyone else would like to come with us, they are welcome to."

Twins of the Hunt - Book 4: The LabryinthWhere stories live. Discover now