Chapter 4: Yet Another Prophecy Predicts My Suffering

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This is quite longer than normal, but it's worth the read! Hope you enjoy!

I landed on the lawns of Camp Half-Blood by the Big House at around my estimated time of 5 a.m. Agro and Raiden dismounted, while I shape-shifted back into a human, and the three of us proceeded into the Big House.

Raiden led the way down the hallway and to Chiron's apartment door. She knocked softly and a few seconds passed before the chestnut wood creaked open.

"Yes?" Chiron asked with a small yawn. He donned his usual pink curlers in his tail. "What do you need?"

"We know about the Labyrinth, Chiron," I said.

This statement woke the centaur right up. He straightened and opened the door wider so we could walk in. "You'd better come in, then."


Chiron sat us down in front of his desk (Well, Agro laid at my feet technically). While I explained about the message my falcon had brought and we both explained about our dreams, the centaur bustled around and made us tea.

"Here," he said, handing each of us a cup of honey tea. "What will Agro take?"

"She'll take any meat you have," I replied. "Or a bone. Please."

Chiron nodded and opened his mini fridge. He pulled out a large chunk of salami and tossed it to my wolf. She grabbed it out of thin air and gobbled it down.

"So Artemis ordered you both on this quest?" Chiron moved to stand behind his desk.

We nodded.

"She is well informed," Chiron continued. "I am calling a war council after breakfast today."

"Annabeth is leading, isn't she?" Raiden sipped her tea and exchanged a knowing look with me.

The centaur nodded. "Yes."

"Good," I said. "She's a great leader and deserves to lead a quest."

Chiron smiled slightly. "Indeed. Annabeth's intelligence and strategic knowledge will be invaluable in this quest."

By the time we finished our tea and conversation, the sun had risen above the tree line of the forest. Chiron suggested we meander to the Dining Pavilion for breakfast, as it would be happening within thirty minutes. We agreed and proceeded in that direction.

"We'll be in good hands since Annabeth is leading," remarked Raiden as we settled at the Artemis table. "She's a badass."

"Definitely," I said. "It's a shame she's not a Hunter. I would love to have her in the Hunt, but I don't think she wants to be."

She has a crush on Percy, barked Agro. That's probably why.

"I know, right?" Raiden said. "It's so clear they both like each other."

"I first saw it during the fight with Polyphemus," I said. "Percy cares about her a lot. So many messenger birds have reported seeing him staring at Annabeth. He is totally in love with her."

In the next half an hour, most of the camp streamed in for breakfast. Several of the campers donned expressions of exhaustion and half-awareness. Raiden pointed out two sons of Hermes, Connor and Travis Stoll, who had tousled mohawks in their hair from the night.

Annabeth walked in with Percy about forty-five minutes after we had sat down. The son of Poseidon appeared to be quite shaken by something; his face was pale and his eye was twitching. He glanced around as though for reassurance that his surroundings hadn't changed, and he spotted me. Percy's expression changed from worried to quizzical.

Twins of the Hunt - Book 4: The LabryinthWhere stories live. Discover now