Chapter 3: We Accidently Commit Vandalization

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I woke up in a hammock formed by several vines with Agro sleeping on my chest. Evidently, I had willed the plants to configure the structure in my sleep. Judging from the moon's position, I estimated that it was around midnight.

Chief, you're awake. Agro yawned widely. What were you dreaming about?

I briefly described what I had seen in my nocturnal visions.

"So we have to leave then," I concluded sourly. "I really don't want to, but Artemis commanded me to, so I have to."

We should go say goodbye, then, barked Agro.

I agreed, so I had to vines lower us down to the ground. I proceeded straight to Thalia's tent first and gently prodded her awake.

"What?" She raised her head in confusion and looked at me with bleary eyes. "Oh, Ainsley. What's going on...what are you doing?"

Thalia's confusion stemmed from the fact that I had just hugged the daughter of Zeus, something I had refrained from doing since the deaths of Zoë and Zade.

"Are you okay?" Thalia asked in concern.

"I'm fine," I said. "I'm just saying goodbye."

Thalia looked alarmed. "What do you mean?"

Once more, I detailed the experiences from my dreams.

"So you have to go on a quest again?" said Thalia.

"Yes," I said. "I have to leave the Hunt in your care. Please stay safe."

"We'll be fine, Ainsley." Thalia gave me one last hug. "You be safe yourself. Kick some monster butt."

"I will," I said. "Bye, Thals. I love you."

"I love you, too, Ains."

I exited her tent and headed for my father. He wasn't asleep, but rather in a deep discussion with Snow.

"What am I supposed to say?" he said as I entered. "How do I tell her?"

"Hi, Dad," I said.

Dad jumped slightly and hastily crumpled up the paper he was writing on. "Hey, kid. What do you need?"

I informed my father of what I had to do. Once I had finished, he appeared very concerned.

"And Artemis ordered you to do this?" He sounded slightly resentful of the goddess. "Why?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "She said I'm destined to go on this quest."

"Stupid Fates," Dad grumbled. "You don't have to do this, you know."

"Yes, I do. I'm not disobeying Artemis's orders."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Dad. I love you."

"Alright, my little moon." He hugged me tightly, appearing to never want to release me. "I love you too. Please be careful. Come back soon."

"I will." I tried to stand up, but Dad was still embracing me. "Uh...Dad?"

"Right, right. Sorry." He released me and smiled at me. "Good luck, Ainsley. I love you."

"I love you, too," I said and departed from the tent.

Agro waited for me by a pine tree, holding my questing backpack in her mouth. I walked over to her, transformed into a pegasus, and bent down. My wolf jumped onto my back, and I almost soared off until a voice behind me said, "You're not leaving without me I hope."  Raiden strode to me, sheathing her axe. A backpack, the one she used for quests, rested on her shoulder.

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