Chapter 5: We Venture Into The Maze's Winding Ways

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I spent that night on the roof of the Artemis Cabin, despite Raiden's protests. It was one of the only things that made me feel better. I stared at the waxing crescent moon for hours while Agro's breathing gently rose and fell, but she wasn't asleep. Neither of us wanted to sleep. At this point, Hypnos probably was cackling in the Underworld and saying Noob! You don't want to sleep? Fine, I'll make you sleep!

Around midnight, the same force that had plagued me during my last night in the Hunt arrived around me again. It attempted repeatedly to drop my eyes and convince me to relax by listening to the crickets. However, I stubbornly refused to succumb to this force and fought it for about an hour. The force relinquished for about a minute, bringing me relief. I was convinced that Hypnos had given up; boy, was I wrong.

It felt like being hit in the face with a wet fish. An enormous surge of fatigue enveloped me, causing the world to spin. As I started to battle it again, colors blurred around me, and the stars transformed into white specks. Finally, my surroundings solidified again in the state of the Princess Andromeda.

I clenched my fists. "I'm not doing this, Morpheus. Let me wake up, or we're going to have problems."

Of course, the god didn't answer. Inwardly irritated, I look around. The golden sarcophagus of Kronos rested in front of a Persian rug upon which kneeled Luke and Aidan. At the sight of my twin, my insides erupted in a volcano of fury. Blood rushed into my face, and I reached for my daggers before remembering that I was in a dream and didn't possess them. My brother donned a charcoal black chest plate with a leather scabbard at his hip. He held a helmet under his arm, presenting me with a visual of his hair.

Aidan had trimmed it so that it was no longer down to his shoulders but rather the length it had been on our quest for the Golden Hind. I was surprised at how healthy he appeared after falling one hundred feet onto sharp rocks. As for Luke, he resembled a minor god while donning an ancient Greek chiton and a himation cape the color of snow. His skin glowed white in the moonlight, and his health, especially after the same fall that had shattered his figure, was perfect. Almost tooflawless.

"Our informants bring promising news, my lord," Luke announced. "As you anticipated, Camp Half-Blood is dispatching a quest. We are almost finished at fulfilling our end of the bargain."

"My sister and Raiden are also embarking upon the quest, sir," added Aidan.

Good, the icy voice of Kronos hissed, shooting shivers down my spine. Once we possess the tools for navigation, I will guide the vanguard forward and deliver revenge upon my daughter.

Luke paused, closing his eyes as if gathering his thoughts. "My lord, perhaps it's premature. Hyperion or Krios, perhaps, should lead-"

No, Kronos hissed. The vanguard will be led by myself. With the addition of just one more ally, our cause will be strengthened enough. Then I shall finally emerge completely from Tartarus.

"My lord, the form-" Luke's voice began quaking.

"You're weak, Luke," Aidan said in an insensitive tone. "And a coward. My lord, I ask you again, please permit me to be the one-"

No. The Titan Lord's voice was firm. You have your purpose, Aidan Theron; lead my armies and slay your sister.

"Very well, my lord."

As for you, Luke Castellan, show me your sword.

Luke unsheathed his sword with shaking hands. It was a horrific sight - a weapon forged of half-steel, half-Celestial Bronze - capable, as I had been informed by Tiberius, of slaying monsters and mortals.

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