Part Four

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Her Majesty the Queen Clotilda Hua is a great and gracious lady. She can play hjess using telekinesis. At the age of 21, she composed the Devil's Fugue for the organ. She takes long walks around the Palace and has been seen wrapped in patchwork blankets at Autumn Fires and Costume Festivals with women as well as men. Her grip on anyone lucky enough to have her is so tight, the fool daren't leave her. --Grand Historian Penelope Oltu, years earlier

"Elf music is the best in the land. Lots of bells and strings-- rhythm, ma bichette. Giant life lacks such rhythm, I am sorry to say." --Auntie Bathilde, The Life of a Half-Elf Witch

The Prince Consort sat in the scarlet sofa of his study, smoking a sapphire-studded cigar.

I fear the closest Hatcher Chu'll ever get to having a harem is that pufferfish he named "Harem", he thought, pouring pink flakes into his fishbowl, Why do I fear that? No, not Keturah! It has nothing to do with...!

"Pardon me, Your Excellence?"

A voluptuous Asian woman walked in. She was young, with a round face and full lips. She wore a leopard-print blouse and black pencil skirt, while her stiletto heels cuh-lacked across the wooden floor. Her black hair was tied into a low ponytail and she wore a gold chain with a locket pendant.

Prince Eryx smiled nervously.

"Wh-Who are you again?"

A smile leapt across her face.

"Gwen Yang. Your new secretary."

The Prince raised a wispy brow.

"Clotilda didn't tell me about a new secretary."

"Of course she didn't. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing, you know."

He smiled and shook her hand.

"Gwen, huh? That's a pretty name."

"Thank you, Your Excellence. Now, Her Majesty wanted to know of Lady Keturah's whereabouts."


Gwen blinked.

"Since she's your equivalent, I'm to work for her as well."

"Ohhhh, right! Right this way, Miss Yang! It's been years since poor Lady Keturah had any servants...!"

He led the secretary into a small back office. Despite its smallness, it looked comfortable, with a lush red-velvet chair, dark antique furniture, and rose-patterned walls. A light decorative bookshelf lined one wall, with shiny vases and plates. A wide fish-tank bubbled in the back, with a large variety of shiny, exotic sea creatures.

"How cozy!" Gwen cried, clasping her hands together.

"Cookie and Candy cleaned it," Eryx noted, smiling, "You'll meet them soon; they're Cyclopes. Good maids."

"I see."

"Surprisingly articulate. Now, Keturah should be here soon. She likes having someone to write down her schedule, so your arrival's perfect."

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