Introductions & June Teaser

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[A/N: A rewrite of the beginning, to a small degree, is now in progress. First two chapters revised, again.]


One day, SD-OC decided he'd bring in a bunch of drones to react to their future, because he feels sad for N. N needs to have his future known, so he cannot make same mistakes and become happy. Oh yeah, also Riley. Riley is awesome. What's what? Everyone else? Okay fine, they'll react to their future too.

SD-OC called out for the N Plushies, the Uzi Plushies, and the V Plushies to assemble.

"Nuuu!" declares the N Plush, giving a salute.

"Uzeee!" the Uzi Plush gives it's response with a foot stomp to emphasize it's word.

"Veeeveee!" V Plush is happy.

SD-OC nods in approval at their rapid response, "Alright, N Plushies, you set up the theatre, we need like... thirty seats... separated into two groups. Three on one side. I don't want to risk the murder drones eating the worker next to them."

He turns to Uzi Plushies, "You, take your sisters and find some oil packets for our... guests. They'll be very thirsty and we need to pacify them."

He finally glances over towards the V Plush, which stares up at him with gleaming eyes, eager to do whatever is asked.

SD-OC scratches his head, pondering for a moment, then raises his finger, "Yes! We need a large TV! Acquire the biggest, 16K Ulta-Resolution Flatscreen you can find V Plushies!"

V Plushies simultaneously grinned before zipping away to rob a supermarket.

SD-OC meanwhile, gathered up a set of DvDs... for the cast introduction, there shall be the simple teaser. Then the episodes will follow. But before that he needs some, you know, funny fan content to make them react to. Until those become available.


Some time passes and everything is set up.

SD-OC checks the time, "An hour behind schedule, good!" he snaps his fingers, but nothing happens, "Oh, forgot I'm not an omnipotent being. Be right back."

He ninja-vanishes and speeds across the galaxy and transcends dimensions. Until finally... he acquires the guests he desires.

He grabs Thad, Lizzy, Doll, Uzi, Khan, and Riley from the worker drone side (with some extra worker drones just because). SD-J, SD-V, and SD-N from the disassembly drone side. Then yeeted them into this theatre on Copper-9 and clapped his hands twice so the Plushies take that as their cue to lock the doors and guard all exits. This theatre is locked down tighter than V's claws around a worker drone's neck!

"Whoa..." Thad is disoriented, "Chad hits harder than I thought." he must still be in a doozy.

Lizzy helps up Doll, how nice, but then the two notice the disassembly drones. They're chill, but the other worker drone students were quick to scream, panic, flail. Lizzy could give less of a damn. Doll, is more focused on the one responsible for her woes.

Uzi was unfortunate enough to be right beside them, luckily, unlike humans, drones can't go deaf like humans. But Uzi had to clasp her hands around her non-existent ears because, human or not, being near a bunch of screaming drones hurts.

"AAAGH WHAT THE HELL?!" Uzi bites back a cuss word as she notices the DDs, "Oh, uh..." she looks around, only seats and some popcorn, "Oh crap!" she grabs a carton of popcorn and holds it like as if it were a weapon, '...who am I kidding what's paper carton gonna do against a murder drone?' spur of the moment, yeah. Nice try though Uzi. Maybe if you're lucky N will die from allergies... oh wait, drones don't have allergies to popcorn. Oh well, props for trying.

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