Murder Drones - Episode 3

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A/N: Been a while hasn't it? Yeah, bunch of stuff happened, loss of motivation, personal issues, writing character development. Won't lie, had a major burn out in writing and an internal debate on if I should re-write the whole thing, decided ultimately not to, for now at least. Had to find out where I would take this too, make an outline. At first I was just going with the flow, but now I have an idea where to go.

Gonna add an interlude after this, to better flesh out the characters. Then work on EP4, which I have an idea how to tackle it cuz the worker drones like, pretend Uzi wasn't there? Forget about Uzi's accomplishments? Sure she kind of screwed up, once. But she saved the outpost once in the pilot, a second time by defeating CYN/AbsoluteSolver in the corridors, thirdly stopping Doll from causing mass damage at prom and likely her arrival prevented V from fulfilling her want of just getting some oil and a bit of pleasure from doing what she was made to do. It could be high stress, or simply these ones being the "Problematic" students in EP4. I mean Lizzy though, okay on second thought Lizzy is Lizzy. But it's kind of weird they don't know about the drone whose been the center of attention for like, three major incidents. Uzi had it bad, like damn they either ignore her, forget she exists, or bully her, like, ouch. Even after she made a name for herself. At least some acknowledge her existence, Thad, her dad, WDF, some others since I mean Thad mentioned they be spreading rumors she was grounded or something instead of banished. Guess it was just for comedy.

Also, the wiki folks got things wrong as they often do at the beginning of every episode drop. Sarah is the worker drone that alerted Khan to a situation in EP2. Detective Lady is unnamed. I've been deciding if to call her Deca or Adira. Came to me as a play on the word Detective Lady throwing in an r. I don't think she's a major character much so just throwing some name will work just fine I think. Unless Glitch releases the official transcript... unless her name is like how that leaked FNAF movie got someone named "Female Villain" murder drones got "Unnamed Worker Drone #456" or something in the official transcript lol. I'm going to call her Adira from now on for that reason.

I think I've made Uzi say bite me too much this chapter lol.

(23,000+ words this chapter)


Doll was feeling many things. But at this moment, she felt a mixture of emotions. Anger, confusion, and concern. Mostly concern. What if they find out about what she's doing?

She had quite a few, kills, under her name. Now it's not like it'll be shown, right?

'Blyat.' Doll caresses the side of her head, she feels a headache coming on.

She glances down at her hands, flashes back to... those times. She doesn't regret what she's done. She's still trying to find out what's happened to her, even she doesn't have all the answers.

But, if Uzi gets this in the future, this could be troublesome. Would Uzi agree with her methods? Definitely not from what she's seen. But that's to be expected.

With everyone in such close proximity, even if she still possesses the solver's ability, having pulled the vase off the bedside drawer for confirmation. She can't help but feel unease towards the hosts. She doesn't know them like the others. She has confidence if she desires she could just restrain the disassembly drones on the spot. There's plenty of objects around to use, but the hosts are wildcards. One looks like a disassembly drone, another appears to be a worker drone, but his reflexes are unlike any she's seen. But the plushies, they are the most unpredictable of them all.

'Как мне поступить с этими живыми куклами? (How do I deal with those living dolls?)' thinks Doll, remembering their unique ability to conjure up whatever weapons they desire to threaten that bitch of a drone, J was it? Not that she cares to memorize their names, only that she wants them dead... and then, after that, find out more about this solver.

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