=[Notes & Deleted Reactions]=

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A Rather Lengthy Note (Feel free to skip): Might as well add a little treat along with the other world react section of the interlude. These are outtakes, ideas, and commentary. Never had this much support before, only other story with similar views would be N's Whacky Adventures. To note, some of these are just "Outline" or "Script" formats because I usually add detail later. Sometimes I write out whole scenes, but most are outlines or merely concepts I scrapped for feeling out of place or getting obsolete when new episodes come out for I did in depth character analysis. Or realized certain things and small details. Like, damn the show has a lot of foreshadowing and small details upon closer inspection which can render some things obsolete, but I'm not looking to rewrite much at this stage lmao.

EP4 is a bit, more on the edge there of comedy slasher archetype and while I could make some edits, as it skips over some development where characters process events and react. I won't. I don't have the creativity to try and do anything of the sort lol. I'll stick to canon! That is my creed for this fic! As close as I can manage.

Even if some bits of EP4 feel, off. I have some ideas for how they could reason it. Stress, anxiety, can't see that far after all they have vision impairment replication, who makes drones suffer vision loss?! There's also the factor they just can't believe what they are seeing. V is just, V. She hides her insecurities and pains underneath that psycho persona. She's kind of to be expected. It's when EP5-6 comes around does she show more of herself. Worker drones are also quick to forgive, that is a given. Probably empathy programming. Even if Uzi and Doll show otherwise. Then again, they are outliers. Just drafting up ideas.

I'd do a Q&A but I technically already answer questions in the comment so I'm not quite sure what a Q&A would achieve when I already answer questions I can. So I opted for commentary for deleted scenes. But if anyone has any questions, I'll see if I can answer them.

[For more common questions]

Will I add more characters (Tessa, Alice, Beau, Roboroach (robot cockroach thing), Sentinels)?

No, I'm not likely to add anymore characters. Tessa, past or present, is still largely an unknown factor, and while there was enough of her to understand a bit, I'll save that of the manor gang reacting to the future. I'm also not that good at Aussie talk. Not that she talks in Aussie much, but I don't know if it's typed any different than American west coast English. As she never really said anything Aussie-like from what I remember.

Alice & Beau, while that would be interesting to see Alice enjoy the show (canonically she'd likely enjoy it, the action, the suffering of others, she did enjoy watching N get mauled), Alicia está loca. Beau is pretty much N, but mute, and has a baby body. J is reasonable past her stereotypical asshole corporate boss exterior, Alice is just crazy, her personality is just insane hillbilly cannibal from a slasher film. Tessa in the present? Probably dead to be honest, Past Tessa? Manor gang fic.

I wouldn't blame the human remnants if they started banning AI outright to remove potential hosts from the solver's grasp. But that's theorizing, EP7 left major lore exposition and stuff, answered some questions, raised new ones. But hey, it's a good mystery.

I contemplated the AbsoluteSolver attempting to intervene, but I don't like it when there's too much shenanigans going on. It can be chalked up Chibisan being the usually silent omnipotent being keeping it from knowing this is happening. As fun as a "Villains React To Future" would be... I think I'll skip that and go straight for a "Fix It Fic". Imagine Doll, Sentinel (Leader one), Alice, Tessa (CYN/Tessa Hybrid Creature Thing, Tescyn, Cynessa, Cynwalker, Skinwalker, Flayed One), and Serial Designation J saw the future. Imagine how Doll most of all has to consider Uzi might probably end the world, the Sentinels may or may not start hunting down the disassembly drones and maybe even Uzi themselves because why not? They can probably leave that place after being let out and have reason to leave. AbsoluteSolver/CYN would probably... misdirect, it may do things a little... differently. Be cool fic idea, but there's likely better folks to handle it. I wouldn't even know where to begin, well I do know where to begin, but how to go from there is unknown.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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