Murder Drones - Episode 1

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[A/N UnknownG11: Revised, yay?]

[A/N Chairman: I refuse to call Teacher not Riley, he will always be Riley to me. Also, yooo, still 27,000 words despite the edits! Let's gooo!] (RIP Chairman, he got behind in college and is now MIA)


[Murder Drones - Pilot Episode]



[Scene transitions to reveal a worker drone, the more traditional standard issue WDs, with Uzi's voice narrating as the camera zooms out to reveal a legion of such drones.]

"We are worker drones. Autonomous robots helping humans mine-" Uzi's narrator voice sounds so, uncaring and bland as she says this, no vigor in her words at all.


Doll has fallen asleep, resting against the seat record time. Uzi rolls her eyes in minor annoyance.

"Gee, sorry for not giving a crap about the fine details." says Uzi, she likes school on a level of just about everyone else, and the only one who really paid attention in class was Lizzy, 'Guess I'm the narrator here... not like I monologue in my head or anything!'

Teacher facepalms, sighing heavily, Uzi misinterpreted another assignment, again. He even added extra points just for effort and mental issues just for Uzi specifically. How nice of teacher to at least give Uzi a pity grade for the mentally unstable. At least Uzi only fails presentations, though she is a bit, troublesome in every other project. Her grades barely hold up. She's capable, but her attitude in class is just, hard.

"-Exoplanets for our interstellar parent company JCJenson in SPAAAAAAAAACE!" at the very least, Uzi sounds below average as a marketing advertiser. Unlike them, she's honest about what she's preaching.

*Thump* *Thump*

Two more worker drone students just fall back onto their seats, this is kind of common knowledge so it's not a mystery to their attitude towards this. No one likes hearing the same thing taught in history class thrice.

SD-J raises an eyebrow, "Could it sound anymore callous towards the company?" she's referring to Uzi by the way, she doesn't think of worker drones much.

Uzi groans, "Okay, maybe I sound dull and boring, but can't you at least fake like your paying attention? It probably took me a week to make this!" she just started on her assignment this week, so...

"Your voice is monotonous, and your presentation is uninspiring. Only the images are worth crediting. It's subpar at best. " SD-J points out the flaws, with a near sassy attitude, smug vibes. SD-J would know how to make presentations, she probably does some for JCJenson.

SD-N raises his hand, "Uh, isn't this common knowledge and not related to the future sir?"

Alf shrugs, "It sets the stage for future events okay? One must know the past to conquer the future."

SD-V seems bored out of her mind, 'If there isn't something interesting within the next ten seconds, I'm going to murder someone.' glancing subtly over towards Uzi, 'Specifically purple boring bot over there.'

Thad seems to be paying attention, not offering his critic just yet, he's chill. Teacher already feels the disappointment in Uzi.

[Scene transitions to a refinery or facility where worker drones and throwing ore into a grinder, one appears to be repairing a crossbeam, while one unfortunate drone appears to have gotten caught in the grinder, and the JCJenson employees seemingly more angry at the drone getting caught in the grinder rather than concern, this is going to delay their progress for the month's quota.]

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