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A/N: J having doubts. Doll's reluctant to help Uzi. Uzi's trying to get some answers. V has PTSD I'm sure of it. Some worker drones start up the screen and start watching other worlds.

The chapter after this is deleted scenes and cuts from previous drafts, mostly for the fact new episodes made some reactions obsolete, as well as ideas that didn't take off. Just another special thing to add other than the bonus reactions to other worlds in this chapter as thanks for 305+ kudos on AO3, 26k+ hits (Views) on AO3, 239 likes on Wattpad, and 21k+ views on wattpad! I'm very grateful for all the readers out there. Honestly I never thought this would get as big as it did (it's more than triple the attention I expected, more so the inspiration many have taken to write their own react fics makes me so proud). Thank you for all the support everyone!

Beta Reader: MonoMurder234


Uzi had followed after Doll, since the disassembly drones had went to have their own conversation. There's no rush for answers regarding this solver, she's got all the time in the world right now. While the russian speaking drone was reluctant, Uzi had her boxed in and she wasn't taking silence for an answer. She's been given an opportunity, and she plans to make the most of it.

Bursting into Doll's quarters was, well, the rooms are much like theirs back home. Except Doll's is actually clean unlike the mess of a place she had in episode three.

Uzi made sure to drag over one of the hosts to make sure Doll doesn't just walk again. MS-15870 was more than willing to block the door, much to Doll's chagrin.

Lizzy decided to stick around, it's a little rough between her and Doll. Doll's not fond of Lizzy's choice of words towards V, but the fact she spared Lizzy from the carnage was evidence enough she did care for perhaps the only real friend she had. Things may have been different, if not for SD-V.

Doll could never understand why Uzi is so quick to forgive those disassembly drones. They took her mother did they not? She could never forgive them. The others may be quick to forgive and buddy up with their adversaries, but not her.

At least Uzi wasn't lecturing her on the morality behind her actions, but this was equally annoying. Uzi's standing across from Doll, rather than sitting. Doll doesn't mind sitting, if not for the fact she isn't willing to stand. If Uzi wants to wear her legs out, it's not her problem.

For a while, it's silence, only the tick tock of the clock as the regent endures. Uzi, lost her patience as it was becoming abundantly clear Doll would not cooperate.


Doll looked up, her face a deadpan, "что?"

Uzi's brow twitched, "Don't play dumb!" she slammed her hands on the desk, pointing at her rival, "You must know something about this solver. You've had it longer than I have!"

"Zeee!" an Uzi Plush apparently joined up with Uzi's interrogation of Doll. Uzi seems to enjoy having a partner in crime, or more so, the good cop bad cop routine. Except it's being similarly as hostile as Uzi, which defeats the purpose of such a routine.

Doll rolled her eyes, "Почему вы так думаете? (Why would you think that?)"

"W-" Uzi paused, pursing her lips. They hadn't quite seen how long Doll has had this ability. But with how confident Doll uses it, she must have had it for a while. Her future self can't stop herself from breaking a mirror, while Doll has a mountain of them. She must have been self-taught.

Thus, Uzi went for the more reasonable option, "Bite me! I will stay right here, until you spill it. Everything you know! Starting right from the beginning."

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