The Creel House?

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* You all walked inside the house slowly. Lucas found a lamp and turned the switch on repeatedly to be met with nothing*
Lucas: Looks like someone forgot to pay their electric bill..
* Everyone turned on there flashlights and Steve gazed over to Dustin and said*
Steve: Where'd everyone get those?
Dustin: Do you need to be told everything? Your not a child!
Steve: Thank you * He said in a sarcastic tone*
Dustin: Huh, Back pocket * He said handing Steve the backpack he was holding*
Nancy: They just left everything..
Robin: I guess a triple homicide isn't good for resale value.
Y/n: Hey guys, Max has something to say.
* Max cleared her throat and said*
Max: You all see that, right?
Dustin: Yeah.
Steve: Yeah.
Y/n: Yeah?
Nancy: Is this what you saw in your visions? * She said pointing to the grandfather clock*
Max: Yes. * She said her voice cracking*
Robin: I mean, it's... Just a clock. Right?
* You walked up to it and wiped the dust off*
Robin: Like a normal old clock?
Steve: Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks? Is he like a clock maker or something?
Dustin: I think you cracked the case Steve.
* As Dustin said that you burst into a fit of laughter which eventually made all the others laugh along with you*
Nancy: All I know is the answers are here. Somewhere...
Max: Okay, everyone stay in groups of two, Robin upstairs. Come on let's go...
* Steve sighed and started walking upstairs*
Dustin: Was that a sigh?
Steve! No, I did not sigh.
Dustin: Why did you sigh?
Steve: I didn't sigh dude just come on.
Dustin: I heard you!
Steve: And we have to be partners for everything, okay!?
Dustin: You have a problem with that?
Steve: It'd just be nice to, I don't know, mix it up a bit...
Dustin: I'm boring you! Is that it!
Steve: No, the opposite..
* You walked upstairs with Steve and Dustin and turned around to see the light glowing behind you. You smiled to yourself and continued walking upstairs. You all entered a hallway and slowly split up, you were still eavesdropping on there conversation*
Steve: Dustin.
Dustin: Yeah?
Steve: Could you maybe, uh, clarify what sort of clues we're supposed to be looking for here?
Dustin: " The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes * He said in a British accent*
* there was a moment of silence before Dustin said*
Dustin: Sherlock Holmes.
Steve: Thanks, that's great really helpful... Sherlock..
* You eventually got bored of Dustin and Steve's conversation and walked back downstairs. You walked into the dusted living room and joined Lucas and max*
Y/n: Hey.
Lucas: Hi, find anything?
Y/n: Nope, what about you?
Lucas: No..
* Max's cassette tape stopped playing. She groaned and re winded it*
Lucas: I wish we had a longer loop.
Max: Forty-six minutes isn't bad. I think there are bigger concerns right now.. like what if, by listing to this over and over, I get sick of it, and suddenly it's not my favorite anymore? Will it still work? Or will Kate bush, like. Lose her magic power or something?
Lucas: Kate Bush? Never.
Y/n/Max: Your a Kate Bush fan * You and Max said at the same time*
* He nodded his head at you and looked over at Max*
Lucas: Uh, yeah. Now I am.
Max: Really?
Lucas: Yeah, mega-fan. She.. She saved your life. Besides, We're hot on this creep's trail. We're gonna find Vecna and kill him before he even thinks about messing with you again. All right? In fact, I bet if we hit these suckers with the right combo, we might be able to open a door to his secret lair * He said walking over to the piano and pressing his fingers on them playing a beautiful low tone*
Lucas: Voilà * He said both Max and Lucas giggling, you shortly joined in after*
Max: You're such a dork! I thought you were, like one of the cool kids now.
Lucas: I'm not cool?
* You left the room leaving them to dose off into there romance but still hearing there conversation from two rooms away*
Lucas: I've really missed that..
Max: Missed what?
Lucas: Your laugh...
Max: All done * She said pressing the cassette tape and placing the headphones on her shoulders*
Max: Work your magic, Kate.
* Max looked over at you from a distance and saw you glaring at a glowing light. She walked over to you and said*
Max: I promise I'm gonna stop asking this, but... You're seeing that right?
Y/n: I'm seeing it.
* Max touched her hand to the light making it flicker off. After a few seconds another lamp went off and then another. Eventually we all met up into a room with a glowing chandelier*
Nancy: It's like the Christmas lights..
Robin: The Christmas lights?
Nancy: Yeah, when Will was in the upside down, the lights... Came to life.
Lucas: Vecna's here...
Nancy: In this house..
Lucas: Hmm, just on the other side.
* The chandelier fluttered off as you felt a cold breeze brush your cheek. You smiled realizing it was probably Peter giving you a quick kiss on the cheek passing by into another room*
Robin: I think he just left the room.
Max: Did he hear us?
Steve: Can he see us??
Lucas: Headphones! * He said to Max realizing the presence of Peter/ Vecna/ 001/ Henry*
Nancy: Wait wait, everyone! Turn off your flashlights and spread out.
* Everyone turned off their flashlights and walked away as Steve said*
Steve: We're not gonna be able to see if we turn off our flash... Lights, Jesus Christ * He whispered *
* Everyone was walking into separate directions in different parts of the house. Eventually Robin yelled*
Robin: Got him!
* Everyone rushed to her side as she said*
Robin: I got him.. I..I had him * She said her flashlight dimming out*
Steve: Oh, whoa.
* Steve's flashlight turned a bright shade of yellow without it being on signaling Peter was there*
Steve: Oh, I think he's moving. He's moving! He's moving! * He said walking with the flashlight in his hands*
* We all walked upstairs and stopped on a step with Steve's flashlight dimming out*
Steve: Shit.. I lost him.
Max: Hey! Not yet * She said walking up the steps and opening the door to the attic revealing a light glowing*
* Everyone slowly walked up the steps being cautious you on the other hand were calm knowing it was your house and Peter would never kill you*
Robin: It's an attic. Of course it's an attic...
Dustin: Hold up, guys. What if he's leading us into a trap? Guys, guys! Shit. Shit. Shit, shit, shit * He said repeatedly walking up the stairs*
* Everyone slowly walked to the glowing light bulb. You already knew this is where Peter goes into his trance and searches for people to kill. Everyone's flashlights began glowing and flashing*
Dustin: Flashlights!
* They all raised their flashlights toward the light bulb as the flashing began getting more violent*
Y/n: What's happening?
* Everyone looked around at each other scared and curious on what's going to happen. But then all a sudden, all the flashlights glass shattered, one by one. Until eventually the light bulb hanging from the ceiling shattered*
Dustin: What. The. Fuck!

A/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for the slow update. Thanks for reading. Good bye!

𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎, 001/𝙿𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙱𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now