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Papa: What is the meaning of this!?
Peter: Papa!
* Peter quickly got up from your thigh and stood up*
Y/n: He fell and cut his head on a base board, I offered to help clean the wound * You said stuttering*
Papa: Oh-that's uh, very nice of you 015..
Peter: Right... Did you need something?
Papa: Yes, Peter an orderly is sick and we need you to cover.
Peter: Okay.
Papa: East hall..
* Peter nodded his head and left the room*
Papa: I have a question...
Y/n: Okay?
Papa: Do you feel sick? Tired maybe?
Y/n: Not really, I'm hungry though.
Papa: I'll have someone grab you some food.
Y/n: Okay, bye.
Papa: Goodbye 015.
Y/n: Dick head... * You mumbled*
Papa: What was that? I couldn't hear you?
Y/n: Nothing goodbye * You said slamming the door in his face*
* You groaned and sat down on a stool. Your eyes searched the plain looking desk in front of you and grabbed some colored pencils and started drawing on a piece of paper. A half an hour later you ended up drawing Peter covered in blood*
' Why did I draw him with blood on his face?? He looks really hot... Wait what!? Y/n don't think that'
* You placed the drawing under the mattress and sat on the bed, then exactly three knocks were placed on the door*
Y/n: Come in..
* The person who knocked on the door was an orderly, you've seen her around but not often*
???: Here's your food, dear.
Y/n: Thank you...
???: I'll be outside your room if you need anything!
Y/n: Okay..
* Once the orderly left the room you felt a lump in your throat. Peter usually guard's around your room, not the other orderly. You cleared your throat and started eating*

Peter's POV

* I walked quietly to the east hall of the building and into a room with a few other orderly's*
Peter: What's this about?
Kim: I don't know..
Peter: Oh.

Y/n's POV

( A month later )

* It's been exactly a month since you and Peter became official, it's been great! You've had to keep it a secret though. When Peter was on breaks he was always with you, you both were rather making out in another closet or venting to each other about your past lives. You've learned that Peter had a family, but they were killed by their father, except him. You and 011 have grown close, she follows you around almost everywhere. 007 has been a bit distant, ever since you told her about the relationship with Peter she's been off. She told you that he's been acting weird lately but you didn't listen, you recall saying " he's been fine 007, stop being paranoid" but that's whatever. You were currently talking to Peter in his room. You've slept there a few nights, because of the reoccurring nightmares... It's all the same a blue, grayish house with a stained rose glass window, vines everywhere in a black, red atmosphere*

Y/n: It won't stop, the nightmares...
Peter: I'm so sorry...
* Peter wrapped his hands around your waist and placed a small kiss on your cheek*
Y/n: There so annoying!! * You said pulling at your hair*
Peter: I'm sorry I can't do anything to help.
Y/n: It's okay...
Peter: How are you and 011?
Y/n: Good, I think our plan will work perfectly.
Peter: That's good..
* Peter laid down on his bed pulling you down with him*
Peter: Cuddles * He said in a whiny voice*
Y/n: Peter! I can't sleep here again Papa is bound to notice!
Peter: Screw him, now I want cuddles!
Y/n: Babe...
Peter: Darling.. * He said whining and giving you puppy eyes*
Y/n: Okay fine! God your so cute!
Peter: I know. * He said flashing you a cheeky grin*
* Peter looked at you lovingly and pulled you on top of him so that you were straddling his waist*
Peter: Now cuddles..
* You relaxed and placed your head into the crook of his neck*
Y/n: I love you..
Peter: I love you too darling~

A/n: Sorry for the short chapter, I need to eat dinner and I need to write another chapter for a different story, thank you for reading, I love you all goodbye!

𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎, 001/𝙿𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙱𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now