Chapter 37 - The Vytal Festival (Part II)

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(Beacon Academy - Vytal Festival Grounds, (Y/N) POV)

This is it.  This is the day we've waited for.  It's the Vytal Festival and the place we're going to take down Cinder Fall.  I sigh and look at my crew one last time before the operation begins and I see a bunch of expressions their face, ranging from determination, to excitement, to joy...  And as for Team JNPR...

(Y/N): "All four of you will be supervised at ALL times and you aren't to be left alone for ANY circumstances, and to make sure of that, Neo is going to be watching over you, and if she signals to us that something's wrong, we'll KNOW." I say with a cold tone in my voice as they nod reluctantly as I turn my attention to Neo and Emerald.

(Y/N): "Also, Neo and Emerald, remember your roles, because there's no doubt that Cinder and Mercury AREN'T here, and they'll need to be occupied for a majority of this operation." I sign to both of them, which shocks the two girls, surprised that I learned how to use Sign Language so quickly.

(Y/N): "Oh, one more thing..." I say and pause before walk up to Neo and give her a pat on the head with one of my trademarked smiles as she looks flustered and every other girl looked on in jealousy, ESPECIALLY Glynda.

(Y/N): "...I love you, Neo!" I sign to her as her eyes widen and tear up, as I had remembered to keep my promise to her when she first asked me to learn Sign Language as she gives me a big hug, silently sobbing into my shirt as Glynda approaches me.

Glynda: "Normally, I'd whack you on the head for doing that, but..." Glynda says and pauses as she looks at the crying, yet very happy Neo still latched to me and smiles lightly, happy that I kept my promise.

Glynda: "...I'll let it slide this time, but you owe me a favor, hmhmhm~" she teases as I blush like mad and soon, Alex clears his throat, garnering everyone's attention as we look at him, a very serious expression on his face.

Alexander: "There's no time for this, we've got to get this operation started NOW." Alex says with authority as all of us nod, even Team JNPR, though that was most likely out of fear for their lives and NOT out of respect for one of my closest friends.

Alexander: "Now then, everyone, let's go over our roles one more time, shall we?" Alex asks as he looks at looks at Neo with a saddened expression, knowing that her role has been change significantly due to Team JNPR's behavior.


(Alexander POV)

Neo notices my frown and frowns too, realizing how that everything changed due to the events that happened yesterday and this morning as I turn my head towards Team JNPR one last time, glaring a hole through Jaune's head, though I keep my cool and sigh before turning back to Neo.

Alexander: "Normally, Team JNPR would be escorting YOU around the Vytal Festival, Neo, but because of what happened recently, you're going to be escorting Team JNPR instead, so I'm going to send you a map of the entire area to one of your Scrolls." I say as I kept the last part ambiguous as to not reveal which Scroll I'm sending it to as Neo nods as I look at Team RWBY and Emerald.

Alexander: "Now, Team RWBY and Emerald, your roles remain the same, so just keep your cool and Emerald, remember to try to keep as much heat off of you as possible from both Cinder AND Ironwood." I say as all five of them nod and I turn to Raven.

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