Chapter 21 - Explanations

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Normal: Speaking
Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks

(Alexander's Forge - Training Dojo, Alexander POV)

Alexander: "...I think it's high time I explained what's going on." I say as I look at Blake, Yang and Glynda and (Y/N).

Alexander: "Everyone, gather 'round, it's story time." I say somberly as everyone joins around me in a circle.

Alexander: "Now, I won't hide shit from you, unlike Oz." I start to say when I hear (Y/N) groan in pain as he sits beside me, shocking all of us.

Alexander: "You okay, (Y/N)?" I ask as he nods, as if wanting to hear what I want to say and I sigh, giving a small smile.

Alexander: "Alright, now Oz told me that Nishi Orien is your biggest concern and while he's not exactly wrong, he's not right, either, because Nishi's working under someone MUCH more dangerous and MUCH more evil: Salem."


(Glynda POV)

Glynda: "I've heard that name before, you mentioned it when (Y/N) and I were here the first time to train with you, but who is Salem, Alex?" I ask as all six of us look at Alex as the man sighs and looks back at me with somber eyes before he takes a drink from his flask and sighs again afterwards as I stare at him intently.

Alexander: "She's the Queen of the Grimm, Glynda and she's the one who's pulling the strings of Cinder and her goons and she's one of, if not the most powerful being alive on Remnant." he says as (Y/N), Team RWBY and I look at him in shock.

Alexander: "I know I told you and (Y/N) about the Remnium ore, but these four don't know about it, so just for their sake, I'm going to repeat what I said to you..." he says before he clears his throat and looks at Team RWBY, sighing.

Alexander: "You see, Remnium is an extremely rare mineral that has been used throughout the history of Remnant, being used to make some of the most powerful weapons and armors in in the world." he explains as they listen closely.

Alexander: "It's also used for making what's called a "Grimm Bomb", an extremely dangerous weapon that kills and turns anyone or anything into a Grimm." he says somberly, explaining what it does.

Alexander: "In the case of humans and faunus, they become a Grimm hybrid and gain extraordinary powers, but most victims that become a hybrid lose their mind completely and become wild and feral monsters, however, the few that keep their intelligence become servants of Salem." he says as Team RWBY look appalled at this revelation, and to be honest, I'm appalled, too.  Even after knowing about it, it's still sickening to think that this sort of thing exists.  It's just so, so evil.

Ruby: "How do you know all of this, Alex?" Ruby asks as Alex tenses up, almost as if he's scared to answer that question.

Ruby: "H-Hey, it's okay, Alex, y-you don't h-have to answer that if you don't want to..." she stutters over her words as Alex starts hyperventilating and holding his head before weeping silently.

Alexander: "I-I know, b-because..." he stumbles over his words as (Y/N) rubs his back in an attempt to comfort his friend.

Alexander: "I-I witnessed what it does a-at a village..." he continues speaking in between his sobs as all of us look at him, mortified.

Alexander: "S-So many people died that day, a-and I..." he sobs as he holds his face in his hands and his sobs become louder.

Alexander: "And I-I had to kill them, AGAIN!!!" he screams as he slams his fist into the floor, crying heavily as all six of us give him a hug and he hugs back gently, his tears hitting the floor.

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