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Tobirama's hand instinctively reached for the bandages and fiddled with the edges clumsily, avoiding any and all eye contact. He wasn't being as cautious as he usually was because of how lax the atmosphere was, so natural habits consumed him.

It was now a bit uneasy after he told him detail about the grueling things he's done to his body as both self harm/punishment and for experimentation on premature Justus.

After the latest "experiment" was described. The room was eerily silent, a heavy atmosphere weighed down everyone.

Now was a bigger question in Madara's head. He was hesitant to ask about it, but Tonirama seemed stable as of right now. The only sign to be aware of was his twitching chakra as he talked about his past.

"Have you," Madara bit his tongue at his question it would over step boundaries but he had to find out."Have you ever been...sexually tortured or assaulted?"

Izuna's eyes widened as his head snapped towards his older brother."Why would you even ask such a thing–"

Tobirama shut his eyes tightly as recalled the locked up memories of his 1st capture at just over a decade ago."Yes...I have been...touched, if that's what your inquiring."

Madara's breath hitched as Tobirama's brows furrowed and he slowly leaned against the wall and slumped to the ground, arms now folded on his legs as he laid his head against them.

Something inside Izuna a seemed to snap. His chakra was blazing. Even after just recovering from a near death experience and over 100 feet underground, those inside the compound could sense the enraged chakra of their heir.

"W-who?! When?! Does anyone else even know?!" Izuna pulled at strands at his hair, now pacing back and forth, sharingan ablaze.

"I...I don't wish to answer anymore questions." Tobirama's hushed tone indicated his discomfort, almost afraid of the sudden outburst.

Izuna noticed the gaurded stance his body had and his eyes widened."I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. It's just...It's a sensitive topic of sorts within our clan."

Madara had been quiet the whole time since he got his answer.

"How...old were you?" He asked in a deep and threatening voice.

Tobirama answered with an even and strong reply, but even his voice was clouded with traces of fear."I was 12 when I was first violated in such a way."

The air felt heavy. Madara's own sharingan whirled to life in rage. A child! A mere child being touched and violated in such a vile manner!

That was another answer as to why Tobirama was hesitant to physical and affectionate touch.

He was afraid of being held in such close proximity without traumatic events replaying in his mind.

"I need to step out." Madara whispered, shadow casted over his eyes, making his expression almost unreadable if it weren't for his chakra that was lashing around every which way like an untamed torrent.

The door creaked and slammed shut loudly, shaking the steel walls.

Izuna approached Tobirama and squatted down, trying to look less intimidating. His expression softened after seeing him curled up.

"You're safe here." Izuna repeated the same lines from earlier. He placed a hand on the younger's head and Tobirama looked up slowly and hesitantly if Izuna dare say so."You're safer than where you were before. We'll protect you, even if it's from yourself. Promise."

He nodded, still averting eye contact ever so slightly. He didn't believe the words spoken to him even if they were the most sincere words he's heard. He couldn't. Not when he heard it all before.

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