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Snippet of Tobirama's therapy included interaction among the Uchiha:

Tobirama hates being ordered around.

He obeys, but it's not like he enjoys it. His father asks him to kill, he kills in return for his own life to be spared.

Tobirama also hates Izuna when he drags him to the koi pond and gathers the children to make bubbles and creatures out of the water like a balloon artist making different animals.

Don't get him wrong. He loves the childrens' company. He doesn't enjoy Izuna's(he's in denial).

"What if you made a mini version of a fireball jutsu out of water, how would that work?" Kagami asked eagerly.

All the kids paused for a second. How would that work.

"I could make the shape of it, but it wouldn't be considered the fireball jutsu if it's made out of water." Tobirama explained, morphing the water into a ball and making "flames" appear, which was just the water being bent to give fire like effects.

"Boring." Izuna stated. Then a grin crawled up his face."how 'bout you make one of Madara in his underwear?"

Tobirama let a deadpan crawl across his face before a glint of mischief crossed his eyes. Without a word, he created the suggestion as everyone began to cackle. Tobirama keeping a straight face yet his shoulders tensed in held back laughter.

Days later, the compound was filled with horrified, shocked, and cackling people as this spread.

Madara was not pleased.

Present day, 2:47 AM:

Tobirama sat in front of the scroll and ink, visible dark circles under his eyes once again as his head slightly bobbed in drowsiness. He had pulled another all nighter yesterday to get the taxes done on time.

That day earlier at the training ground with Hikaku and the children, he actually got to get to the know the younger Uchiha and learned he was one of Madara's first cousins.

He couldn't bear the thought of turning down the children's eager pleas for him to answer questions on jutsu and chakra theory so he put off the paperwork just for a few hours.

Yeah, those hours were hitting him like a paper bomb at point blank range.

His eyes were half-lidded yet his hand writing still crisp and neat as they made graphs on the income of this month's receiving of their pay from missions from the daimyo.

He placed chakra silencing and muffling seals around his small room with the little chakra he had. It was probably futile but it was worth a shot. He wanted to work in peace.

That's when smoke-cedar-rosemary-maple chakra invaded his senses.

"You're supposed to be asleep." A deep and even voice interrupted the silence.

Tobirama's hand lingered over the paper before resuming as if nothing happened."Yes, and what of it?"

Madara huffed an annoyed breath as he closed his eyes and shook his head."I'll drag you into the bed if I have to."

"I'd prefer it if you didn't." Tobirama urged, really not wanting to relive being dragged into his bed again like a toddler escaping his crib and then being suffocated by blankets. He really didn't want that."I have a valid reason anyways. The due date for these are tomorrow afternoon and I have to finish it tonight, unless you want to do it."

"To hell with the paper work. Just do it later." Madara grumbled, brows furrowing. The damn albino was going back to old habits again. He could relax a bit here though, so he didn't understand his 'serious attitude at all times' personality.

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