Bones- 4

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"Holy shi- Ow."

Peter falls against a wall and lets himself drag against it into a sitting position. Despite the sharp pain, he moves his leg so it's straight out in front of him.

"Crap," he gasps.

Really, Peter should be experienced enough in his spidery activities to not have stupid accidents like this. Though, they still happen way more than they should. Just a month ago he fell onto a path of concrete. It was probably the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to him. Peter didn't usually mind accidents and injuries but c'mon, it didn't even happen in a cool, dramatic way.

Any other injury, he can usually say he saved someone's life getting it or at least saved someone the inconvenience of having to purchase a new bike but this? Lame.

Yes, he was chasing after a guy but he had some tech and they ended up hopping building to building. Dramatic and movie-like, just how Peter likes it. Things turned sour relatively quick though when he'd taken a short jump he definitely wouldn't make so out of reflex, he webbed the closest thing and managed to smack his leg against the ledge of the building at full speed through the air.

The sudden white, hot pain had stars dancing in Peter's vision and for a moment, he felt like he was dying. He had endured so many Injuries during his nights patrolling but the pain level never seemed to falter.

A strangled shout left his throat and Peter crouched over, groaning. He hadn't broken a bone in a while and had nearly forgotten it's pain. He needed somewhere to sit, and realized he's at a building with one of those little cabins or elevator-houses, whatever the hell they were called. (ft author's thoughts wtf are those called they're always in action movies where they fight on the roof)

Leaning against it, he wonders what to do. His panicked mind immediately thinks 'Call Tony. We need Tony right now.'

Though, should he call him?

Before he can decide to swing himself home with a broken leg, Karen speaks.

"Peter it seems you have broken your tibia. Calling Mr. Stark."

"Wait, Karen-"

"What'd you do this time." Peter winced, "Nothing it's a butt dial." "You're in your suit, kid." "Yeah Karen... accidentally called you." "Huh, well the little report Karen just sent me on your current state says otherwise."

"Shit." "Shit is right. Now spill." "It's nothing, really-" "Pete."

"I think I fucked up my leg."

"Christ, watch the mouth you're basically an infant. And you're going to rub off on my infant. You're out of the will if her first word is shit." "Sorry, sorry. How's Mo?" "Throwing food all over the floor. Now no more changing the subject. What'd you do?"

Peter pursed his lips. He really didn't want to say.

"Your silence is telling me you're embarrassed." God, he hated that Tony could read him that well.

"No, I- ... Maybe?" "I promise I've done worse." Peter sighed and looked down at his swelling leg. "I let the bad guy go." "You'll get him next time. You want to talk about this in person? I'll be there in like, three minutes." "Ok.."

When the man made it to the building he was stranded on, Peter had to hobble over to the ledge, attach his hands to the wall, and let himself drag down to the ground. Tony was at the bottom for him to lean against. Seeing Peter's pinched face, Tony sighs. "Hurts?"

"Yeah," he replies lamely. He helps him to the car and Peter leans back into the seat while his mentor makes his way around the car to the drivers seat.

"Where's Happy?" "It's his day off," Tony says, "And I like the drive."

"You like to drive?"

"Hush, I thought you were in pain."

"Yes, thanks for reminding me." "Sorry."

When they finally make it to Medbay, they put Peter in a cast (despite his protests that he'll be healed by morning) and he's told to stay in the cot for a while and rest.

He may have super-healing but that tends to make things more painful than a normal person while it's in the process. It's like he can feel his injury knitting itself back together. He really needs a distraction.

At that exact moment, Tony walks in with Peter's favorite person ever.

"Morgan," Peter grins. (Tony doesn't have to know. Ned would agree with him)

"Someone wanted to say hi." The man hands his daughter over to Peter. She excitedly babbles at the sight of her favorite person. (again, Tony doesn't have to know)

She puts her tiny hand on his face and looks at him with such a big smile Peter forgets about all his troubles. She's so freaking cute.

"So," Tony says, plopping down into a seat. "How'd it happen." "It's embarrassing." "It can't be that bad. I can guarantee I've done worse." "Like what?" "I peed I'm my Ironman suit at my birthday party once." "You what?" "Yep, I was extremely drunk. Now spill."

"I... miscalculated." "I've done that plenty of times," he replies patiently. "Yeah but I hate doing that I just put the web in the wrong place and when I pulled I wasn't high enough from the edge and ended up- like- slamming into it." "Pete I'd expect that much. You fly around in the air as instead of a regular extracurricular activity." "Swing."

"Ok, whatever but seriously. There's more embarrassing ways to break your leg. You could've, I dunno, tripped on the sidewalk and then broken your leg as Spider-Man. Besides, as mentioned before, I am the king of embarrassing myself and it never fails to end up on the news. But look at me now, father of two."

Of two.

Well shit. This is getting too mushy for Peter.


What- that wasn't Peter.

Tony's jaw drops. "Morgan."


Words- 989

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