I didn't call him dad!

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     I was watching Brooklyn 99 and I        
realized  I could use this in a oneshot...          

                        *PETER'S POV*

   I was at the avengers compound with- well- the avengers. We were just on the huge couch Mr. S- I mean- Tony bought, binge watching some Netflix shows like Santa Clarita diet but at the moment, we were watching stranger things. The only person not there was Tony. He had a press conference. Pepper wouldn't let him skip it.

     Most of us were being normal human beings but then, there was Nat, who was sitting there pointing out everything that could never happen, Sam was laying on the floor but agreeing with her, Loki (who recently joined because he decided to be good) turned into a snake and Thor picked him up.

"I love snakes!" he boomed. Then, Loki turned back to himself, stabbing Thor. We all saw this coming but Thor didn't. "Loki!" He yelled in a high pitched voice. Steve was talking about how there was to much cursing in this show for me, 'a child' to watch. My response was 'I'm fifteen!'

    At one point, Clint started to get hyped with the Stranger things music and was going on about that to me and how 'This was his time of music.' (This is what my dad said when he was hyped with the music in stranger things lol) I wasn't really paying attention. 'I just wanted to watch the show!' I internally groaned. The rest of the avengers were just chilling or asleep.

   Finally, I heard FRIDAY announce that Tony had arrived. "Hey everyone." He turned to me. "Hey kid." "Out of the way Stank. We're watching stranger things." Rhodey said, throwing a pillow at him. Tony let out a laugh, blocking it from hitting him. "Alright, alright."

"Oh, by the way, nice work at deathlacon kid. Another win huh?" "Yeah. Thanks dad." Everyone sharply turned to face me. "Uh...why is everyone staring at me?" There was silence for a moment before Rhodey spoke. "...You just called Tony dad. You said 'Thanks Dad.' " I blushed. "What? No I didn't! I said 'Thanks man.' "

    Tony was smiling. There was amusement and teasing in his eyes, along with adoration. "Do you see me as a father figure Underoos?" "N-no! If anything, I see you more as a- a bother figure 'cause you're always bothering me."

"Hey!" Clint yelled, standing up on the couch. Steve joined in. "Show your father some respect." "Hey, hey! Clint! You're going to stain the couch! You've got your shoes on still!" Clint just jokingly flipped him a bird, sitting back down.

    "I didn't call him dad!" "No-no-no Pete. I take it as a compliment," Tony laughed. "It's not a big deal. I called Laura mom once, and she's my Wife." "Guys! Jump on that! All Clint does is talk about her. I think he's obsessed..."  I said, trying to change the subject.

   "Duh...because I love her."(no duh Clint) "That's old news маленький паук. But you calling Tony daddy-" "Hey! Daddy is not on the table here-" "But you did call him dad dude." Sam said. "Oh shut up-" "Language!" "That's not even a curse word! Anyway- You've done nothing but lie today." "Alright, alright. I was lying about not texting M.J that you like her, but the dad thing, that happened."

   "AHA!" I yelled. " He admitted that he told MJ that I like her! It was a trap! All part of my crazy, devious, plan...wait- no! Why'd you do that?!" I groaned. "Because you needed help with your love life~" "We're getting off topic here." Bucky said. "yeah." Rhodey started. "This isn't about Peter's love life. This is about him calling Tony dad." "But I didn't call him Dad!"

   "I believe you." I turned around to see it was Tony. 'Good.' I thought. "Thank you." "...Son."
I was as red as a tomato by then. I think Tony could see how flustered I was. "Do you...want to talk about it over a game of catch?" I hesitated for a few seconds but eventually made the decision and sighed.

                      "I...I would like that..."

Words- 686


маленький паук - little spider

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