Holiday break at the Stark's

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"I don't think I want to go to college," Peter blurted. 

It was a lab night and the topic had been on his mind for a while. The issue was, both the thought of leaving and not going to college left him anxious.

Tony stopped what he was doing and spun his chair around to face him. He'd expected an angry face- at best judging, but he just looked.. normal. Like this was a normal, easy conversation.

"That's alright," he said. And then, they had a conversation. They talked it through. For some reason, Peter had expected a fight. Tony had mentioned how he sounded hesitant and Peter was.

He'd always looked forward to college. He'd talked about his dream colleges with Ben when he was a kid. He'd looked forward to it every time he was bored in the classroom because he already knew the material.

But he didn't want to leave home and the family he'd built for himself over the years. He was certain everything would all go to shit without spider-man around too.

"I don't want to leave May. Or you. Or the team. I don't want to stop being Spider-man and helping people."

"You'll never stop helping people, kid. Whether you're in the suit or not. And May's tough- you know she'd be ok. She'd just be happy that you're off doing something you love."

"How do we know I'll love it?"

"We don't. We can't know- not unless you try."

Peter weaves his fingers together anxiously.

"How about this: go a semester. You've already got the scholarship and acceptance letter. See if you like it."

"And if I hate it?"

"Than you always have a home here and a job with Stark Industries."

Now, Peter was a semester in and he had to say, he freaking loved college.

It may have been hard to leave- there were definitely tears, but as much as he hates to admit it because Tony's ego does not need another boost, he was right.

He was learning things- things he hadn't known before. He felt entranced as he was fed information the same way he was intrigued with the lessons Tony would teach him in lab nights.

He'd made friends too because now, he wasn't just a nerd, but a social one. Ned was there like he always was and Peter can't be more grateful to have someone like him by his side for so long, and Harley was a sophomore there so he offered his help whenever Peter needed him. MJ was amazing as always and she seemed to thrive in the college setting- not that she didn't thrive anywhere she would have been put.

He'd made quite a few friendships in his classes and he continuously grows closer with this guy named Harry.

Now though, he was finally going home for break- and Tony didn't know when he'd be home so he got to surprise him.

Peter had already been at May's for a night. She couldn't take off work very long but she managed two days before Christmas and the day of. Since she's so busy she had recommended Peter stay with Tony for a week. He'd actually mentioned recently that they'd be staying at the cabin. It's always a nice break away from the PR and city chaos. The other avengers would be going home to their families anyway so the tower would just feel empty.

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