Power outages and a fancy locker

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Hello I'm jet lagged and here with a short slightly crack fic


"Shit," Peter shrieks.

His body slams into a brick wall with the force of god.

He hates people.

Correction, he hates villains. He actually loves people so ignore that bit.

"Kid! You ok?"

"Yeah, yeah," he murmurs, face still resting on the dirty ground. He takes these few moments to gather whatever energy he has left within him because as of right now, he doesn't think he can get up.

He waves Tony off, "Go. Get the guy. I'm- I'm just g'nna rest here for a sec."

He can feel the concerned stare through the Ironman helmet. Tony marches off angrily towards the bad guy and Peter internally cackles cause jeez, this guy's in for it now. There is literally nothing stronger than the anger of this overprotective- helicopter- father-figure.

"Hey asshole! Now's the time to wrap it up!"

He hears a whir and a blasting noise. Peter rolls onto his back and watches the beautiful sight of arc reactor induced blue lighting from a distance, followed by a grunt, extremely loud crash, and also the rest of the lights in probably over half of the city promptly flickering out.


"Oops? What'd you do..?"

"He- uh- hit the telephone pole. And that one hit the one next to it and continued like-like dominoes. I might've just caused a power outage." Tony sighs exasperatedly, "This is going to be on every news station in the world tomorrow, isn't it? Ironman causes half of queens to black out because he was foolishly convinced to go on a patrol with Spider-Man. How did you convince me to patrol with you again?"

"Hm. That explains why I can't see anything. Also, it's because I'm your favorite."

Tony scoffs, "Favorite what?"

Peter knows he can't see his grin because of the pitch-black-borderline-scary darkness but he's sure he can sense it. "Just your favorite."

He hears Tony's suit retract from his body but the arc reactor is still present. It's nice because it lights up their path just a little bit. Footsteps make their way over to him so he makes an effort to push himself up off the ground. He rips off his mask, seeing as no one was around and they couldn't see his face in this if they tried.

He stumbles into the man's grip, feeling his heart slow when gentle hands grip his shoulders, draining the adrenaline from his veins.

  "You ok?" "Um, yeah. I think so. I'm kinda light headed.."

Tony hums and his thumb drags over Peter's cheek. It stills as it makes contact with liquid.

"Shit- kid are you crying?" "What? No, why would I-?"

Peter brings his hand up to his cheeks and feels liquid. Huh, it would be real nice if he could see.

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