Leisurely Stroll

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Having accomplished what, he sought out to do, Kazuha returns to Mina's house. He had done it before she got home. She arrived two hours later. "Kazuha, I'm home!". She walked from the foyer and into the living room. "Welcome Home, Ms. Mina". She lightly glared at him for calling her that. "Kazuha, I told you to stop with honorifics. We're both the same age". 

He rubbed the back of his head. "But...". During the many days they had gotten to know each other Kazuha had started calling her "Ms. Mina" out of respecting her. After all, Kazuha owes so much for saving his life. He's very grateful for that.

Mina sighs in defeat. "Alright you can keep calling me that...". Kazuha smiles and thanks her. She lightly blushed as he said her name again. Now's not the time for this. Mina goes over to sit next to him. "May I check your arm?". He nods as she undoes the nod from the sling. Kazuha's arm drapes over him. Not a good sign to say the least. 

She carefully unwraps his hand and inspects it. "Hm, not much progress". Kazuha began to feel discouraged. At this rate he won't be able to return or help with Beidou's plan. Mina sees his expression change and smiles at him. "Hey don't be discouraged. I'll help you make a full recovery".

As his doctor she can guarantee that. "Let's try to move to Phase Two". His healing was going by smoothly so this next step will help. Mina lightly grasps his hand and begins to do small exercises. She moves his hand in various motions. Mina's goal was to improve blood flow to his hand. It'll help by giving motion back to his hand. 

After a while, Kazuha's arm began to feel sore, and finished soon after. She places his arm back in the sling and gives him a much-needed break. "Tomorrow, I'm visiting some clients in the city. Would you like to come?".

Kazuha nods "I'd love to.". It's better than being "cooped up" in her house. Getting fresh air will be nice for him even if he's gone out before. They both headed to bed after a nice dinner and waited for Morning. Mina gets up and gets ready. 

Today she needed to check up on some of Bubu Pharmacy's patients. She leaves her room and heads to make breakfast. Kazuha had gotten up a little bit after Mina had gotten up. The two greet each other and have a quick breakfast. Mina used this time to gather her medical notes.

They head out and arrive at Liyue Harbor after a little while. With Kazuha in tow, she ventures around the city checking up on some patients. One in particular she was eager to see. Granny Shan who ran the children's stall needed a new refill on her medicine. The pair meet Granny Shan. "Oh, my! It's been a while, Mina!". 

They both exchange a hug. "It has been! How're you?". Granny Shan chuckles "Haha, life's been lovely". Mina smiles "That's good to hear...". Granny Shan stops her and begins talking about the good old days. Mina could only listen, but it didn't seem like Kazuha minded. 

He liked listening to her. It reminded him of the neighbors he had as a child. "Ok! That's a wonderful story Granny Shan, but please take your refill". She takes the bottle and thanks her. "Before you go. Mina, who's the young lad behind you?". Mina looks behind her. "This is Kazuha. One of my patients". 

Granny Shan smiles brightly "It's good to meet you, Kazuha". He bows to her "It's an honor to meet you". Mina raises an eyebrow. 'Is that some kind of greeting?' she thought. "My, he's a keeper!" whispered Granny Shan. Mina blushes and whispers back "Granny Shan he's just a patient!".

She laughs and waves them goodbye. Mina takes a break on a bench. "Phew, all done". Kazuha sat next to her. "Are you alright?". She smiles at him. "I should be the one asking". Kazuha chuckles at her. "I suppose so". They enjoy the evening breeze together. 

A/N: Hi Guys! I hope everyone is enjoying 3.1! I am! A lot of lore was introduced! It was a lot to take in. Kazuha's arm will get better I promise! Good luck on future pulls! 

See you soon! 


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