Kissed by a god

150 3 1

GammaHammer (Thor x Bruce)
Just a buncha fluff <3


Waking up around four in the morning had become a subconscious thing. Get up, get dressed, make tea (Coffee made him hyper, and any other emotion besides a relaxed one was just taunting the Big guy), and head down to the lab. This time was similar, except Bruce had left his glasses back up in his room. How did he even forget those? He's blind without 'em and probably didn't even end up in the lab. He sighed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes while he tried to suppress a yawn, making his way to his room. Soon he paused, the floorboards squeaked, but it hadn't been him. A voice a bit above a whisper came from the darkness, "Who's there?" authority was present in the obvious male's voice. Unless it were a woman? Wanda could be mistaking him for an intruder.. could Nat's voice get that low? They spoke again, obviously having trouble trying to keep quiet. "Identify yourself at once or I'll have your head!" a swish came from the other, followed by thin streaks of light by the person's hip that only lasted a moment. It was dim, so even then Bruce couldn't make out the blob in the dark, squinting a bit.

He sighed, getting tired of standing around when he had work to do. The brunette yawned, shuffling closer. "You're kind of in the way, buddy." He spoke quietly, being pulled into a tight embrace that both he and the Big guy didn't like. "Ah, Banner! You had me-" Bruce cut him off, pressing a hand against the lips of the blonde to shut him up, he started to lose his volume control and Bruce didn't want Tony waking up so they could talk about his... 'issues'. He yawned, "quiet down." Thor simply nodded, grinning. He went back to his just above a whisper tone, pulling the other outward, but not letting go. Bruce was tired, and that was very clear to see to the blonde. "What are you doing out of your quarters, my friend?" he questioned, Bruce giving a quick shrug. "Working. I've been stressed about a project me and Tony have been focused on recently." Thor listened patiently, smiling softly afterward. "Well, one is never properly focused until fully rested. You," he let go of him with one hand, if only he could escape, slightly struggling against the other who motioned to basically all of him. "Don't appear to be fully rested." He rose his brows, and as much as Bruce wanted to talk him into believing him, he was right. The brunette eased up, letting his head fall forward in defeat. "So what are you gonna do, send me back to my room?" Thor scoffed, "No!" Bruce lifted his head in hope, "We shall be going to my quarters." his voice slowly became quieter... "I worry for you, Banner, you should not be up at this time worrying about silly projects that are less important than your own health." He slowly began walking to his room, shifting Bruce into a more comfortable position, now holding him bridal style. Bruce barely noticed the change, "yeah, but this time the projects bigger than me and Tony, Thor. If we figure this one out, we could be saving countless lives, maybe even change the world a bit." Thor sighed, "Banner, you are changing the world, your decision to become an avenger has greatly impacted many. Can't you see that you're already doing enough for Midgard? You need a break." he sighed, Bruce had never seen Thor like this. He rarely saw Thor ever, actually, too busy with work. But when he did, he was usually loud and energetic, prideful about so many things for the littlest reasons.
It was cute, seeing a god who you'd expect to know so much, know so little. "I don't have a choice in the matter, do I?" Thor shook his head, forcing a sigh out of the brunette as he shifted to get comfortable, resting his head against the other's chest, his heart beating fast and unevenly. "Hey, you okay?" Thor quickly nodded, opening the door of his room. " 's okay if you're not. We can hang out on the bed til I pass out or something and talk about it." Thor's heartbeat got faster, and at that point, Bruce knew what was up. "Are you embarrassed? That's okay, we don't have to if you don't want to--" "No, no, I assure you I'm fine!" he whispered back, taking a deep breath. He walked to his bed, gently laying the other down before he tugged his shirt off.

Bruce couldn't help but stare, quickly averting his gaze as Thor turned to look at him. "Do you want to change into something more comfortable? I'm sure I have a shirt you could borrow." He just quietly nodded, catching the shirt Thor tossed at him, the one he was previously wearing. "could you um.." he motioned for him to look away, "oh- um, yes, yes, of course!" he turned, trying his hardest to keep his gaze off the man. "Okay, you're good." He silently nodded, turning back to the brunette who'd already been sprawled out, now only in his boxers and the shirt he was given. Thor moved to walk to the other side of the bed, but his feet had other plans as he stumbled forward, awkwardly planting either hand near the side of his head in an attempt to steady himself. They sat like that for a moment, Bruce's stomach doing flips as the god scanned his gaze over him. He almost felt unworthy of the other's gaze, he couldn't even believe he was in the same room as a god, a gorgeous one at that, his piercing blue eyes seemingly staring through his soul, except not in a menacing way, not with ill intent, he was kind, quietly admiring him, studying his breathing, thankful to even be gifted the ability to be in the presence of such a beautiful mortal. Eventually, after a moment or two Thor leaned in a bit, his warm breath on the other's lips sent a chill down Bruce's spine. "May I?" Thor questioned, his voice now low and smooth, forcing Bruce's heart to flutter, he quickly nodded, allowing the god to close the gap between them. He'd never kissed a guy, well, besides Tony but all of that was platonic and didn't mean much besides a different way of showing care. His kiss with Thor was short but forced the man to blush, might've just been because he was a god but it almost felt otherworldly to him, he'd never experienced anything like it. "Alright, now it's time to get to bed, Mister." Thor moved to lie down, Bruce moving to be face to face with him as the god pulled the blanket over them both. "Can.." Bruce turned, he knew well enough that the feeling was mutual now, tugging the other into another kiss, sweet and delicate.

He wrapped his other arm around the waist of the brunette, slowly pulling away. Bruce shoved his face into the other's chest, quickly falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat while the blonde carded his fingers through his hair.


Holy shit, so many words- Sorry, I wanted to write 500 words but I got carried away and wrote past 1,000 (not by much, but oops.) anyway, hope you enjoyed this one, I had a lot of fun writing it! If you have any requests on what to write, just comment. Don't forget to vote, btw! How else do I know if you enjoyed it? My friend requested me to do Winterbaron but I told them I would if other people wanted me to as well, 'cause what the people want, the people get. Tell me if you'd be interested in reading a oneshot of it, cause personally, I like Sambuck more <3

But! That's all for now, bye-bye!!

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