Coffee | 2

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part 2 of my silly little fall oneshot collection, this time based off Starbuckys!
Quick note for possible later confusion, Bucky and Sam know Steve but not each other ;]
Steve and Bucky have their own coffee shop called 'Starbuckys' as a side job for Steve and a full job for Bucky. Clint works there for the free coffee and he needs a side job too. Peter works part-time, and Nat 'n Wanda will occasionally come in to help out


When Steve said he had a mission to go on, Bucky expected him, Peter, and Wanda to be the only ones working. Unfortunately, Peter had some photography business to take care of, and Wanda was busy babysitting Morgan. He was lucky enough for the shop to not be too busy, people occasionally stopping by. Peter had even walked in once to get coffee for him and his boss.

Eventually though, a stranger walked in, voice was familiar, but he couldn't give the voice a face "Hey, is um, is Steve here?" Bucky turned his gaze up to the stranger, a welcome distraction from his phone. Now, the stranger had been closer to the counter. Bucky froze. Holy shit, was this man fine. He felt his heart pick up the pace, "erm, sorry.. uh, n– no, no he's not. He's on a mission at the moment, just me here." The stranger nodded, "alright. Say, I haven't seen you here, you new?" Bucky snorted, "what? No! I helped Steve run this place from the very beginning, I just don't get put on register duty, so I'm usually in the back making stuff. Mostly baked things, but, y'know." The stranger nodded. He squinted and Bucky tensed up, until he realized he was reading his name tag. "James, huh? Your Steves old pal, right?" Bucky cut in, "well, I wouldn't say old.. Unless you meant it time wise, then yes, old, but I'm only 106, I'm not incredibly old." The strangers eyes widened, "yeah, no, you're definitely supposed to be with the dinosaurs, grandpa." He joked, Bucky chuckled, "Gee, thanks. Y'know, back in my day." Sam furrowed his brows, "back in your day? What, 2,000 B.C?" Bucky nodded, a small laugh escaping his lips. "Well, Steve usually calls you Bucky when he's talkin to me about you, mind if I call you that?" Bucky grinned, "oh, I don't mind! Usually people call me that anyways." The other nodded, "well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Bucky. I'm Sam, another one of Steves friends." He held out a hand, Bucky taking it into his own, Sam went for a handshake but was confused as Bucky turned his hand over, palm down, and raised it to his lips. A blush spread across his face as he planted a kiss in the center, glancing up and winking at the few friend of his.

Sam pulled his hand back once Bucky let go, a small smile rolled across his face. "Say, how busys a pretty boy like you? You ain't got a buncha' dames lined up at yours steps, yeah?" Bucky's eyes widened a bit, he hadn't used old slang in so long, it felt a bit weird. He didn't do it intentionally, he was used to using slang while flirting, guess it just clicked.

Sam chuckled, "nah, I'm not too busy, why?" Bucky leaned over the counter, letting his forearm rest infront of him. "Well, figured a pretty little thing like you could use some company." Sam gave him a look, nothing bad but it read joking disapproval. "Are you trying to flirt with me right now?" He questioned, Bucky shrugged, "tryin'a ask you out." He responded plainly, "boy, you must've been good with all the ladies back in your day, huh?" He rocked his hand side to side as a response, "lot of 'em liked me, sure." He answered, Sam simply nodding. "You gettin' a drink, or did you just come here for Steve?" There was a moment of silence, all Bucky needed for an answer. "Well– now I'd like to order something. I dunno if it's on the menu though." Bucky raised a brow, "what is it?" Sam paused for a second, trying not to laugh as he got it out. "You." The brunette stopped. What did that– shit, he was interested. He hummed in response, "I can be." They laughed.

"Okay, but really, just get me an iced vanilla frappe." Bucky nodded, getting to work. It didn't take him long, he went to hand the cup to Sam before quickly bringing it back, grabbing one of the sharpies they had. He quickly scribbled down his number and Sam's name, glancing up at the other halfway to wink at him before handing his his drink. "Gosh, thanks, Buck." He nodded, "call me anytime, I'd love to get to know you more." Sam nodded, "the feelings mutual." "Good to know." He yawned, waving at Sam as he walked out, each saying a quick goodbye.

Back to his phone to text Steve about his sudden encounter and hopefully, he'd be busy sometime soon. He felt really attracted to the other, even if they'd only met today. Steve told his loads about Sam, just never put a name to the person. He was glad he knew who it was now, and why they'd never met.. he shrugged it off, going along with his day, waiting for his breaks or end of shift so he'd get to text his new friend.


boo! Heyyy, so I didn't enjoy writing this one as much as some of the others and got a bit lazy with it, but two oneshots in the span of a day? Woooo, good stuff I gotta say. As always, if you have any requests, lmk and I'll get right to 'em!! (Probably gonna make a request chap. next, actually.)
buh-bye, and thank you for so many reads so far!!

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