socially unsocial

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per request, here is a Thorquill one-shot :)
oh, btw- how do we feel about frosthawk (Loki x Clint) and Lucky? (Loki x Bucky) cause I got a frosthawk chap down but dunno if I should post it. 'n I got a Lucky one in the works!!


Ever since Thor had joined the journey of The guardians of the Galaxy, Quill found himself being more.. touchy. He'd missed Gamora, but he never expected to be taking that out on the handsome blonde who could probably knock him the fuck out, or worse with just a little too much lightning. They'd gotten... closer. Both emotionally and physically, randomly ending up in situations where one of them would land on the other, or accidentally force them into an awkward position while trying to be serious. Which only ended in a mixture of feedback from the crew, Drax didn't understand the concept of homosexuality, if that's what it was even to be considered. Peter didn't know what he was, honestly, he didn't mind the thought of being able to see the absolutely ripped God pass by his room after changing, or be in his room for that matter. He was a complete dumbass, a super prideful one at that, too, but Quill understood why.
Mantis simply thought they were cute, giggling at their overly long staring contests or when they'd randomly argue. Once, she'd touched Thor's arm, her expression changing to a surprised one while she glanced between the two, leading the blonde to be simply confused.
Rocket's emotions were difficult to read. He couldn't tell if he was supportive or just hated Quill. He'd sighed one of the times Thor had forced the two into a strange position, saying a quick, "If you two start making out, I'm gonna throw up." before making his way back into the ship.

But recently, they both became.. bolder, randomly taking each other's hand whenever they needed a sense of comfort, to know that someone else was there, even around other people. This had mainly been the case with Thor, he was a pretty friendly social butterfly, but sometimes he just got overwhelmed and gave Quill this... look. He was hard to ignore then. This big, manly god, looking at him, a mere mortal, desperate to get away from the crowd. That'd been how it was at the current moment, Thor quietly pleading that they left, went anywhere else. Quill sighed, finally caving in. "Alright, guys, I'm gonna go. Don't mess anything up, Rockets in charge." Drax turned, "Hey! I am an excellent leader, why is he in charge?" Rocket scoffed, "Yeah, sure. Says the guy who doesn't even have half a brain cell!" Drax gave a confused look. Their banter continued as Peter walked up to Mantis, "Obviously you're in charge." she nodded, smiling as he walked back over to Thor, waving once Quill was dragged out.

"What's goin' on, big guy?" Quill lead the blonde to the place they were staying for the night, somewhere in New Asgard, he wasn't sure exactly if it was the god's house or not. Thor took the lead then, shuffling up the steps. It was empty, so he just assumed It was his house. Would've been weird if it weren't. He was snapped back to reality as Thor let go of his hand, Quill hadn't been paying attention to him, simply nodding slightly and humming in response, so he didn't know what exactly he agreed to as the god had pulled his shirt off, Quill quietly looked away. "Are your clothes still on the ship?" the brunette shook his head, "They're in my room." The male gestured towards the door, "you should go change into something more comfortable." He offered, Peter happily obliging. As Quill was gone, Thor quickly took up the space on the bed. He wasn't too fond of movies, he barely ever watched any anyway, but he was suddenly curious as to what kind of movies the brunette had enjoyed. Thor, from what he knew, really liked anything action, being a big fan of fighting himself. Was this eligible to be considered a date? He still didn't know much about Midgardian bonding rituals, well, at least not any that were good for hanging out with a guy he found interest in, so he hoped it work.

Quill returned soon, in comfortable-looking pants and no shirt. The blonde patted the side next to him, forcing Quill to drag himself over, plopping down on the bed before being forced down, completely catching him off guard. Thor didn't move his arm either, keeping it wrapped around the other's waist. Quill got comfortable, keeping his head straight to properly look at the TV. But slowly it tilted, and soon he was leaning his head on the god's shoulder while he flicked through some random streaming platform, he clicked on a movie, moving his hand to set the remote down, tugging the blankets over them both before he sighed, shifting their position so that his arm had been wrapped around his waist, his face shoved into Quill's chest. "Thank you for hanging out with me, Quill," he spoke quietly, "I got... really overwhelmed back there." The brunette smiled, "No problem, pal." Thor was quiet for a bit, eventually pulling his head up.
"Is that what we are? Pals?" he questioned. There was something in his voice that broke Quill. "I-" he was cut off. "I don't want to be just pals, Quill." He sighed, "Look, whether or not the feelings are mutual, I need to get this off my chest. I like you, romantically." He moved his head back down, not moving. "Thor..." a heavy sigh came from the god, almost as if he were disappointed, expecting to get rejected. He hadn't felt this way with just anyone, considering how much he liked Jane and how long it took him to get over her. "I'm not sure of my feelings for you-" Thor moved back slowly before Quill took the blondes face in his hands, "but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to try to be in a relationship with you." Thor softly smiled, he leaned forward a bit before backing up again, deciding against his former idea. "Thats... wonderful, really. Maybe we could, uhm.. go on a date, sometime?" Quill laughed, "Yeah, we could do that." His head shot to the door as soon as he heard the front door downstairs open, Rocket and Drax's voices clear as day, complaining about being hungry. "Well, ready to go be social again?" Thor hummed, "Perhaps." he responded before groaning, forcing himself up. The rest of that night was pretty good, they ended up watching movies and Drax was the first to pass out, snoring loudly and ruining the movies. So Rocket and Mantis drew on his face, Thor and Quill returning upstairs, going their separate ways, both being completely content with their relationship status.


Yo!! This took like, two or three days to work on(????) so not as fun as the others considering I didn't have much of an idea on what to go for, but it was okay. I wanted to change it a bit, considering it's post-endgame but also before Love and Thunder. I wanted to add the aspect of Thor still missing Jane, and Quill missing Gamora. Also didn't use Peter for Quill much considering there's 2 Peters so it felt weird.
Anyhow, hope you liked this one!! 

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