The mortals reward. (F)

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Upon further inspection, 'kissed by a God' seems to have the most views. SO. Consider this to be a bit of a part two :]


If stars were flowers, Thor would pick every radiant beam of light in the night sky for Bruce. Since Venus burned, Thor would walk until his feet bled for Bruce. He'd travel the icy depths of Pluto, and if Saturn had a spare ring, Thor would do anything to place it upon the mortals finger.

If the Galaxy were transformable, there was no limit to what the God would do for his human boyfriend. But now? All he could do was sit and let the other prod and poke at him with needles and string, sewing up a gash or two he'd gained from the most recent mission.

Bruce did so much for him, and yet he did so little to return the favor. What could he do? This was certainly the question. He hated people doing things for him, especially if he had no way to repay them.

And so he decided, starting today, he would do absolutely anything the mortal had wanted, without question or hesitation.


The brunette could tell he was thinking, perhaps even zoned out, but it surprised him once the god responded as quick as he did.

"Yes, my love?"

"What are you thinking about?"

Bruce wasn't one to use an excessive amount of pet names like Thor was. Thor showed interest and care in every sentence, this was one of the things he loved about the other, how expressive he was able to be.

"Well, I've decided that today I'll be doing absolutely anything you wish of me to do, without question."

He declared proudly. Bruce raised a brow, finishing up the stitching. He knew it'd heal up quick, but he couldn't risk the other getting it infected.

"Oh really now?"

"Yes! It's to show my gratitude to all of the things you do for me."

"You know I'm just not gonna ask you to do anything for me now, right?"

Thor turned quickly, giving a surprised gasp, seemingly disappointed.

"Please, darling..?"

He pleaded, the brunette sighing.

"You're so lucky I love you."

Thor grinned taking the others hand and placing a gentle kiss on the back of his palm, nodding in agreement.

"Indeed, so very lucky, my love."

Bruce smiled, sighing in defeat.

"Fine. You win. Could you carry me to our room?"

"Don't I always do that?"

Bruce shrugged, seeming as if he'd never noticed. He chuckled as the other happily obliged, carrying him to their room.

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