Chapter 2

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I roll over and groan at the sound of my alarm the sound rings in my head and makes my headache from the hangover worse. I sit up in bed and shut off my alarm before chugging down the glass of water next to my bed.

I head to the showers and try to rinse off the smell of alcohol and smoke from last night before heading back and getting dressed in a pair of jeans and a black blouse and pairing it with a pair of converse sneakers. I roughly brush my hair and put it into a pony tail and applying mascara and lip balm before grabbing my text books and laptop i shove them into my bag.

Slinging my bag over my shoulder and grabbing my phone I leave the dorm and make my way to the local coffee shop. The hustle and bustle of the city does nothing for my hangover, I order my coffee with a ham bagel and sit down next to the large coffee shop window. I pull my laptop and begin working on my assignment for my psychology class. I take a sip of my coffee and it makes me feel better instantly.

After working on my assignment for about half an hour I check my phone and see a message. I open my phone and check the message.

- You looked so hot in just a shirt.
- who is this?

I reply, I suddenly think back to last night when Mason dropped off my phone.

- did you forget me that quickly?

I read the message a few times before another message come through.

- maybe next time I'll need to give you something to remember me by.

My jaw drops at his message who does he think he is I've known him for five minutes and he's trying to fuck me.

- thanks for all the help last night, but I'm not interested.

I send my text and watch my phone for what feels like forever waiting for another message yet it doesn't come. I put my phone away and gather my things and head to my first class.

I head into business and try to focus, my mind keeps replying the night and message over and over again. My phone pings and I quickly pull it from my pocket, I'm disappointed when it's just Lucy telling me she's safe and had a good night. At the end of the lesson I hand my work in to my professor he smiles "you're doing some great work Alana, keep it up" he tells me and I smile before walking to my next class.

My day flys by before I know it I'm heading out of my last class back to my dorm. I unlock the door and smile at Lucy as I walk in "how was your night?" I ask her. Sitting down on my bed "so good, I really like him" she replies with a huge grin on her face. "How was your night?" She questions "uh..weird" I answer truthfully. She frown "why?" I shrug "Chris tried to kiss me" i replied looking at her I see the shock on her face "what! I didn't know he was into you" I shrug again "I didn't either until last night" I say "did you kiss him?" Lucy replied. "Of course I didn't I don't like him that way" I say. "So what happened after that?" She questions again

I think about not telling her about Mason but I decided too anyway I'm sure Chris will tell her what happened. "Someone shoved him" I trail off and she once again looks shocked "what why?" I shrug "I told Chris no and he kept trying someone seen and stepped in" I finish. "Who was it?" She asks "some guy named Mason" she once again looks shocked "Mason walker?" She questions I feel like I'm being interrogated "I don't know his last name" I explain. "Is he really hot" I laugh "he's ok, I guess" I respond "it's got to be Mason walker he's always hanging around that frat house and if you say he's ok that means he definitely hot you don't find anyone attractive" she laughs. I jokingly frown at her "he dropped me home after Chris left me, said he knows you" I say. "Yeah we had a fling but it wasn't anything he fucks everyone" she states and it makes me feel better about what I messaged him earlier he just wants me to fuck me. "If you like him go for it I have my eyes on someone else" she says raising her eyebrows suggesting she likes mark. We giggle and talk for a while I don't tell her about the messages because It doesn't matter I won't be seeing him again.

The rest of the afternoon goes slowly I finish up some studying and so does Lucy. It's seven pm and I start to get hungry "want to go get dinner?" I ask Lucy. She looks up from her notes and smiles "sure, it's my turn to pick though".

We arrive out the front of a diner and head inside taking a seat we pick up a menu the waitress takes our order and heads back to the kitchen.

Our food arrives quickly and I shove a few fries into my mouth before taking a bite of my burger. "How's work going?" Lucy asks before taking a bite of her burger. "Really good, I mean I'd rather not be a receptionist but it's good for money". "What about you how's work?" I ask her but she doesn't respond she's too busy looking over my head.

I frown "what are you looking at?" I don't wait for her to respond and look behind me I quickly snap my head back around when I realise who it is. "Fuck" I mumble Lucy looks at me and goes to say something but before she can the group Mason is with walk up to us. His sleeves are rolled up his arms showing off his tattoos some how this makes him hotter. "Hey Lucy it's been a while" she smiles at him "yeah it has, this is my friend Alana" I look up at him and try my best to smile "yeah we've met" he says bitterly. A blond walks up to him and wraps her arm around his waist "Liam doesn't want to eat here let's go" she groans out. He looks at her and nods.

Lucy looks at me "what was that about?" She almost shrieks "shhh" I tell her looking back making sure they are leaving. I lock eyes with Mason as he walks out and he winks at me what the fuck. "He doesn't like me" I say and Lucy frowns and chuckles a little "you're a girl he likes every girl" she states and I shake my head.

We arrive back at the dorms we both shower and get in bed. My eyes begin to feel heavy and I begin to fall asleep, it's interpreted by a ping from my phone I groan as I pick it up.

It's a message from Mason.

- it was good seeing you again.

I frown is this guy serious he's texting me what he could have just said earlier.

- you couldn't have said that at the diner?

I know I shouldn't be talking to him he's nothing but trouble.

- what are you doing this weekend?

He replies completely ignoring my question he is always dodging questions.

- I'm busy and even if I wasn't I wouldn't hang out with you.

My response is mean but he needs to understand I'm not interested I don't even know why I'm still entertaining him.

- I wasn't asking to hangout with you, don't get ahead of yourself.

His reply makes me mad

- good, then I know you won't mind me blocking your number, bye.

I send the message and hit the block button. I smile at myself, fuck him if he wants to be a dick he can go do it to someone else. I lay back into bed and toss and turn for a while before I fall asleep.

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