Chapter 7

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After last nights events I really need to have a talk with Adam he was out of line and the way he hurt me was not ok. I wake up to a few missed calls from him I text him back to tell him we will meet up today to talk about it all.

My first two classes finish quickly and are mostly about getting ready for final exams in the coming weeks. I can't believe I'm graduating soon, it feels like this time has passed so quickly and yet I've spent so much time working so hard I forgot to truely enjoy it. I shake the thoughts of regret from my head and head to the cafe Adam where agreed to meet me.

I spot Adam sipping coffee when I walk in, "hey" I announce and he looks up at me "hey". I sit down opposite him, "look I'm really sorry about last night I shouldn't have done what I did" he admits. I nod "yeah you shouldn't have but it made me realise we can't be together" I confess.

"What, Alana it was one fight" he pleads and I shake my head "it was one fight and you hurt me" I say pulling up my sleeves showing him the bruise on my wrist. He looks shocked "Alana I'm so fucking sorry" he almost whispers it. "I know but I can't I'm sorry it's over" I stand up and walk out of the door. "Alana wait" Adam shouts behind me i sigh "what Adam" i snap getting irritated he's not accepting it "is this because of mason" he asks and it pisses me off "no this is because of what you did" I snap.

"I know what I did it won't happen again" he begs, that's what my dad used to say to my mom every single time. It never turned out any different "no Adam" I turn and try to walk away he grabs my wrist and I pull it from his hand "Adam stop" I yell. "You're fucking him aren't you" he shouts causing people around to stare "no I'm not fucking him" i answer. "Then why break up with me" he argues "I just told you why if you can't accept that then it's not my fault" I spit out and turn around and walk away.

This time he doesn't follow and I'm relived, I head to my next class Journalism, I sit in my usual spot and begin taking the few notes. Most of my classes have been revision getting ready for exams. The class drags on for what feels like forever, I gather my things and exit the building I spot Adam sitting out the front. You've got to be joking, I continue walking right past him hoping he gets the point. He doesn't "Alana" he shouts I continue walking he runs in front of me to stop me. "What Adam I said leave me alone" I whisper it so the people around aren't staring again.

"Alana we can make this work" he states "Adam I don't want to" I reply. I try walking away and he grabs my bicep "Adam stop fucking touching me" I snap but he doesn't let go. "Alana we aren't breaking up" he snaps, I'm so focused on Adam I don't notice Mason walk up to us I only notice him when he shoves Adam off me.

"What the fuck did I say" Mason shouts before punching Adam in the face once then twice the third time Adam falls on the ground. "Mason stop" I shout he doesn't stop when Mason is on the ground i grip his shirt and pull it. It does nothing a few boys run over and pull him off Adam. He fights them for a minute but gives up "Mason stop" I yell "you can't just hit him like that" i snap. Mason pulls free from the boys holding him, "let's go Alana" he says I look down at Adam "I need to help him" I say.

"I've got it" one of the boys next to Mason state. "Alana let's go" he says again with blood running down his lip, Adam must have got at least one punch in.

Mason holds out his hand and I hesitate for a moment before taking it. We turn and walk across the campus Mason doesn't say anything we get to his car and he opens my door and closes it once I'm inside.

He grips the steering wheel and knuckles go white, "Mason" I say placing a hand over his. He looks at me and before I process what he's doing his lips crash down on mine. I kiss him back and slide my tongue across his, the taste of blood invades my mouth from his split lip.

He pulls me onto his lap my legs either side of him, he presses himself into me and I feel his hard on and I gasp. It makes him chuckle, my cheeks go red his hand snakes it's way into my hair and he tugs.

He pulls away from the kiss and I groan missing his mouth on mine. He begins trailing wet kisses down my neck and sucks my neck. I open my eyes as I realise he probably just left a hickey "Mason" I say shocked and he chuckles again. "You're mine" he declares and it makes my insides warm.

I realise we're still in the parking lot and people are walking around making their way to their cars. "Mason we are in a car park i state and he smiles "you don't miss much do you?" He jokes and it makes me giggle.

I climb off his lap, Mason starts the car "that's one way to distract me" he jokes.

We leave campus and drive to my dorm "thank you for last night" I say breaking the silence in the car. "It's just what friends do" he replies.

"You still shouldn't have done that to Adam" I tell him. Mason shrugs but doesn't respond, pulling up outside the dorm I hesitate for a moment before opening the car door. He doesn't say anything as I leave and head to my dorm room.

"Hey Lucy" I announce walking inside, she looks up tears in her eyes. "What's wrong" I ask walking over to her and wrapping my arms around her. She starts to hyperventilate, "shh, it's okay I'm here" I whisper "it's not okay, Lana I'm pregnant, when I told mark he walked out" she sobs. "Oh Lucy I'm sorry" I whisper.

"What am I going to do Lana" she mumbles starting to calm down more. "No matter what you do I'll support you Lucy" I reassure her. "Have you told anyone else?" I question "no" she replies.

"How about we order some food and we can talk all about it or not at all whatever you need" I tell her and she nods her head and gives a small smile.

The Chinese arrives and we sit on Lucy's bed to eat while a romance movie she picked plays. I know whatever she decides she will be okay Lucy is a tough woman.

We hear a knock on the door I get up to answer it and see mark at the door, he looks miserable. I turn to look at Lucy as she sits up in the bed "am I okay to come in?" He asks Lucy nods "I'll give you two some space" i announce as I leave.

I sit out in the hallway and pick up my phone and dialling my moms phone number she answers on the third ring. "Lana?" She answers "hi ma" I reply I continue before she says anything else "I'm sorry I left I just wish you told me, I don't understand why you're back with him after everything he done to us but I still love you" I finish and hear her sigh in relief over the phone.

"Alana, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you I know it's silly for me to be with him after.." she trails off but continues "after everything, but he really has changed, he would like to come to your graduation" she finishes.

"I'll think about it mom" I say as mark walks out of the room, "ma I've got to go I'll call you soon" I finish, I hang up and I'm honestly mad that my dad would even think id want him there he's done nothing for me, my mom and myself have gotten me here not him.

"Everything okay?" I ask mark he slowly nods, putting his hands in his pocket and sighing "yeah, we will be okay" he says and continues "are you okay?" He questions and I'm confused maybe he heard me talking "yeah why?" I ask. He shrugs "I heard what happened to Adam and Mason" of course he has "oh yeah Mason just thought Adam was hurting me but I'm fine" I lie, to be honest I'm not fine Mason shouldn't have done that he needs anger management or something he hurt Adam pretty badly.

"If I were you I'd stay away from Mason, he's my friend but you and him have different lives it's not a good idea" he trails off and I start to think he was going to say something else but instead he just tells me goodbye before strolling off down the hall.

I take a deep breath before walking back inside, Lucy looks brighter. "Everything all good?" I question and she smiles "yeah we sorted it out, he just said he freaked and needed space" Lucy replies.

"I'm glad you guys figured it out, do you know what you'll do with the whole pregnancy thing?" I question not sure if I'm over stepping.

She shakes her head "I don't know I need time to think about it" she replies. I nod "do you still want to talk more about it?" I question "no that's okay I think I just need sleep, but thank you for being here for me" Lucy says "always" I respond. I hug her goodnight before we both get under the covers and turn the lights off.

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