Chapter 6

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"Lana wake up" my mothers voice makes my head pound. "I'm up" I groan sitting up and placing my head in my hands.

"What's the time?" I ask, "only 8, I figured we could go do some shopping" she says. I nod "sure I'll be ready soon" I reply satisfied with my answer she leaves the coffee she brewed next to my bed and leaves.

Taking a sip of the coffee it instantly makes me feel better. I grab my phone and to my surprise I have no messages from Mason. I throw my phone on my bed in frustration and take another sip before getting out of bed to get dressed.

I quickly change into a black skirt and brown blouse pairing it with sneakers. I walk into the living room mom and Finn are already dressed "morning" I speak. "She's alive" Finn jokes and says too loud for my liking.

After driving for five minutes we arrive at a cafe we order coffee and bagels. "Alana" I hear someone say the name and I recognise the voice, "dad?" I reply. What the hell is he doing here he walks closer to our table. He looks different his hair is nearly all grey but he looks healthier and is wearing glasses. I look across to mom and Finn to see if they see what I'm seeing and they don't looked shocked to see him. "Why didn't you say she was visiting Candice" he says to my mom, her face turns pale. "Oh I forgot to mention it dean" she replies, "forgot to mention it, you've been talking?" I ask anger and hurt lacing my voice. "Finn did you know about this?" I snap, he looks down at his hands fidgeting with his empty coffee cup.

My mom reaches out a hand to comfort me and I pull my hand away. "You haven't told her?" My dad questions looking upset "told me what?" I snap again this time at my mom "Alana it's not what you think" she whispers with a tear running down her cheek. "Say it" I almost yell "your father and I are working things out" she finally admits. I shake my head, this can't be happening not after everything that happened. "Mom Finn and I watched him beat you, almost to death multiple times" I spit out and feel tears begin to form.

"It's different Alana, he's not drinking anymore" she says as though this changes anything. He would get drunk and come home and beat her back and blue while Finn and I screamed and tried to protect her. One night it got so bad she ended up in hospital with broken rips and needed stitches. Finn and I were hit by belts and sometimes punched if we tried to protect her this is fucked.

"Finn you knew and didn't tell me" I snap giving him a look that could kill. He finally looks at me "it wasn't my thing to tell" he mumbles.

"Fuck this" I yell causing the people in the cafe to look over at us. I storm out of the restaurant and order a Uber once I'm up the road. I wait about five minutes before it arrives and I get it.

I practically run up the front steps when I get there I quickly unlock the door with the spare key. I throw my suitcase on my bed and begin packing my things, I find my phone and book as flight that leaves in two hours. As I pace my room I spot the photo photo of us all together out of anger i throw it against the closest wall and it shatters I need to get out of here.

Arriving at the airport with over an hour to spare I pull my phone out and text the group chat with Bec and Zion letting them know I've left.

I message Lucy telling her I'm coming home early as well as Adam. I should message my mom and Finn but the anger inside me doesn't allow it.

I step off the plane and the cold New York air hits me I walk out of the airport and spot Lucy and mark leaning against the car making out.

"Hey" I say walking over to them, they break their kiss and smile. "Hey" they both reply we all get inside the car and drive back to campus Lucy drops mark home first.

"Bye beautiful" mark says as he kisses Lucy goodbye once he turns Lucy drives off "what happened why are you back so early?" She questions. "My moms back with dean" i tell her, I see the shock on her face "what the fuck" she gasps and I nod. "When, how, why?" She shoots out her questions and I shrug "I don't know" I reply. "I'm so sorry Lana, I couldn't imagine how hard it would be" I just nod too exhausted to even talk about it anymore.

Once back at the dorms I collapse in my bed and almost immediately fall asleep.

I yawn as my alarm goes off I quickly shut it off and notice the missed calls from mom and Finn and a few messages from Adam. I write a short message to mom telling her I've left and am back home. I message Adam and tell him the same.

Lucy is no where to be found as usual, i head downstairs and take a shower I take my time today. Heading up stairs I open my door and I'm shocked when I see Mason on his phone sitting Lucy's bed.

I walk in and shut the door "what are you doing here?" I snap. He looks at me and smiles "waiting for Lucy" he answers. "Well wait somewhere else I'm not in the mood" i snap, "what's your problem" he snaps back. This has all put so much stress on me him asking that finally breaks me I begin to sob. He drops his phone and strides over towards me wrapping me up in his arms "shh, it's okay I got you" he whispers to me while pulling me closer. He lifts me up and takes me over to the bed pulling the covers over me and sliding in next to me. After a while my tears subside he continues rubbing my back.

"What happened" he questions after a while with worry laced in his voice. "My moms back with my father" i answer, "and why is that an issue" i sigh not wanting to explain this to him but I need to talk about this to someone and right now he's the only person that is here.

"He used to drink a lot and he would beat her and my young brother" I pause for a moment but continue "and me" I finish. I feel him tense up at my confession looking up at him he doesn't look at me in pity just sadness.

"Yet she forgave him" Mason asks and I nod "do you?" His question makes me stop and think for a minute. I shake my head "no, I wish I could but I just can't, maybe I could for all the drinking but not for him hitting us" I mumble the last part almost ashamed to admit to it. I've never told anyone he hit Finn and I've only told people about his alcohol addiction and how he beat my mom.

"Do you think he's different" he asks, and I shrug my shoulders "I don't know, I haven't seen him in years" I reply honestly.

"I'm not saying it's good what your mom is doing, but don't be too hard on her, i went through a similar thing with my.." he trails off but continues. "My parents were similar dad was a drug addict who abused my mother and me, she didn't leave him ever and it eventually took its toll on her" he almost whispers his confession.

"I was hard on my mom and I regret it every day" he finishes i analysis his face and see the sadness. I place my hand on his cheek to comfort him "I'm sorry you went through that" I whisper he shrugs. "Sorry I made that about me was just trying to give advice and wanted you to know I wasn't just someone giving you advice that has no experience" he says. "Don't be I appreciate it" I reply "anytime and if we could just keep this between us if appreciate that" he asks and I nod "you keep my secret I'll keep yours" I say.

"What the fuck" I hear Adam snap, I look over masons shoulder and spot Adam and Lucy at the door. Lucy's mouth hangs open and Adam looks like he wants to kill us. "Adam" I speak, "shit" Mason mumbles.

"What the fuck is going on?" Adam yells, Mason climbs out of the bed and Adam storms over to me grabbing my wrist. He squeezes it tightly "Adam let go you're hurting me" i whimper, "why the fuck are you in bed with another guy while you're half naked?" He spits I continue to try and pull my hand from his "Adam let go" I say again.

Mason gets closer to Adam "she said let go" he snaps and shoved Adam "Mason stop" I say. "Fuck off Mason she's my girlfriend I can do whatev.." Adam doesn't get the chance to finish before Mason punches him in the jaw.

Adam falls back and Mason grabs him by the shirt and gets in his face "touch her again I'll fucking kill you" he shouts "Mason let him go" I yell walking up to him and grabbing his bicep. Mason looks at me and searches my eyes, he shoves Adam but thankfully lets him go.

Adam storms out and slams the door, "what the fuck just happened" Lucy blurts l out. I almost forgot she was here "Adams a cunt that's what happened" Mason spits out.

Lucy doesn't seem fazed by his actions more so that he was in bed with me "you need to chill Mason" she joked. He grunts at what she says, "you okay Lana?" She asks and I nod "can I get dressed I say pointing out the fact I'm still wrapped in a towel. "We're leaving anyway, party at the frat if you want to join?" She asks. I shake my head "that's okay I've done enough parting to last a life time" I reply and they don't Lucy is first to walk out the door Mason place his hand on my cheek. "If you need anything you have my number" he winks and walks out the door.

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