Chapter 10

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"We did it Lana" Lucy sequels as I zip the knee length white dress up. "After four long years we are finally done" Lucy says again. "I know I'm so glad it's finally done" I tell her.

"You nervous to see your dad?" She asks, "kind of I just don't want my day to be shit" I explain. "I'll make sure it's not" she reassures me. "Thanks Lucy, hows the baby?" I ask trying to change the subject. "Good, I can't wait to find out the gender, I'm thinking about staying in New York mark wants to stay here for work and it's going to be hard to have a baby and be in separate places" she informs me.

"What about your job?" I ask surprised that she would stay here away from family and her job. "I've been offered something better here" she says "that's great Lucy I'm happy for you, and I can't wait to meet baby" I tell her.

Lucy's places a hand over her stomach and smiles "me too" she agrees. The tight dress she's wearing shows off her small bump, I sit on the edge of my bed and put on my white pumps.

Lucy and I take a quick photo in our our cap and gowns and walk out the door for one of the last times. She threads her arm through mine as we walk.

We arrive at the graduation hall and I spot my brother Finn next to my mom and... dad. "I'll see you later Lucy" i say and she hugs me goodbye before finding her own parents. I take a few deep breaths in before making my way over "hey!" Finn greets and hugs me. "Hey" I say, I hug my mom and look my dad in the eyes and I know he's waiting for me to hug him and it's not going to happen he's here that's as good as it's going to get. "Hi" I greet to him, "Hi" he replies, he smiles and the wrinkles oh his face become more prominent.

"I'm so proud of you Alana" my mom says breaking the awkward tension. "Thanks mom" I say "we should probably go take our seats it's about to start" i tell everyone "okay let's go" my mom says.

We head inside the hall and take our seats I look around to try and find Lucy and I see her a few rows in front of me.

After a few people from the school board make their speeches, names of students start getting called I space out most of the time. Until I hear my name I walk on stage and shake a few hands while posing for a photo I spot Mason in the crowed room. He smiles at me, I walk off the stage and take my seat again.

After the ceremony I join my mom, Finn and dad "congratulations" my mom says handing me a bouquet of flowers "thanks mom" I say as she kisses my cheek.

"I've booked dinner at a nice Italian restaurant near by to celebrate" she tells me "thanks mom" I say. As we begin to walk to the car I see Mason across the parking lot talking to an older woman.

"I'll be back" I tell my mom "okay honey" she replies. I walk nervously towards mason, I'm not sure if this is a good idea after he said he needed space but I'm sure it will be fine to congratulate him. "Hey, sorry to interrupt" I announce as I walk up to the two of them.

"Alana, this is Jane my grandmother, grandma this is Alana a friend of mine" he introduces us. "It's lovely to meet you" I say shaking her hand "you too dear, I'll let you two catch up" she says before walking towards an older man that looks similar to Mason.

"You clean up nice" i tease Mason as he's not wearing his usual attire and ops for a suit instead. He looks amazing in it, his hair is still as messy as usual. He laughs at my joke "you look good too" he says my cheeks flush at the compliment.

"I just wanted to say congratulations" I half lie, I just wanted an excuse to talk to him. "Thank you, congratulations yourself" I smile "what's your plans now?" I ask him. "I still have my job at a publishing company in New York, what about you?" He questions "I'll be working at the phycology clinic I'm interning at" I tell him.

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