Chapter 1 "Do You Wanna Play?"

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                          It was around 5AM, my alarm clock would ring and wake me up. I really wanted to sleep but I knew I had to get up. Today was a school day and I need to get ready. So I got up, turned my alarm clock off, took a shower, and got dressed. After I do all of my daily routine I lay down on my bed to play on my phone. All I did was play GTA Vice City on my phone until it was time to go out and wait for the bus. While I was playing my game,my Instagram messages showed up on my screen. It said that someone was trying to DM me. I checked to see what It was.

The message said "Hello?Do You Wanna Play With Me?"

I should have known not to answer it at first because I usually deleted those kinds of messages. But curiosity somehow got the best of me, I wanted to see who the person was and why they were texting me. I had plenty of time to kill anyways because my bus doesn't show up until like 7AM so I accepted the DM to be allowed to text.

I replied to the person who messaged me "Who are you?"

It replied "I'm Your Friend :)"

I replied, "Really?Which friend?"

It replied back with a creepy image and its message saying "Your Best Friend"

	The image was a picture of Tails from Sonic but he was all bloody and scary looking

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The image was a picture of Tails from Sonic but he was all bloody and scary looking. I should have been scared and blocked him but I thought this was some sick joke from a friend of mine.

So I replied "Ok, very funny Jack!Cut the crap now -_-"

It replied "I ain't your friend Jack. I'm Tails Doll"

I replied back "See you at school Jack"

Then the thing replied with something very creepy saying "If you'll ever see Jack again. He's mine!"

I stopped replying because I had enough of what I thought was a prank from Jack. Then I started to think about the creepy image that I saw on the messages. It freaked me out a bit. I've never seen a creepy version of Tails like that ever before in my life. Well I'm probably going to have a nightmare about that tonight. Anyways, I just continued to play my Vice City game on my phone.

Later, I was at school in my first class. It was a study hall so I didn't need to do anything at all. I just sat at a desk in the class bored as heck. I would have been talking to Jack by now but for some reason he wasn't here today. I thought maybe he was sick and couldn't show up to school. As I sat down bored to death some emo or gothic kid walked by me. He sat next to the desk as I was sitting by. I had no problem with the kid sitting next to me but for some reason I felt a cold chill behind me while the next sat next to my desk.

I tried to strugged off thinking it was nothing but I couldnt get rid of the feeling. Something or someone was making me uneasy. I noticed the gothic kid looked at me like he felt offended or something because I was being uneasy.

I said to him "Sorry, I wasn't trying to offend you in any way. I just don't feel right right now."

The kid replied "Oh it's fine. It must have been my doll making you not feel so pleasant."

"Doll?What do you mean?" I asked the kid.

The kid didn't respond but pulled out his backpack from under his desk. He placed his backpack on his table and unzipped his bag. He put his hand in the bag and pulled out a large creepy doll. It was a yellow fox-like doll with big wide eyes. It had two tails. And to be honest the fox doll looks exactly like Tails and that creepy image I saw on my message on Instagram. I took a step back on my chair away from the plushie because it creeped me out.

I looked at him and said "What the hell is that thing?"

"His name is Tails Doll. I got him last year." He said.

"Why does the doll look like...Tails from the Sonic Games?" I asked him.

"I don't know. I think he looks cool. By the way my name is Vince" he said.

"Blane. My name is Blane." I said.

So we started to talk and get along. I ever forgot that the creepy plushie was on Vince's desk. While we talk I've learned that Vince is a big huge fan of creepypastas that he would adore them no matter what. Even though most of the creepypasta stories are fake. As we were talking I noticed the Tails dolls pupils glowed red like it was staring at me. I was about to say something but the school bell rang. It was time for my next period. Before I could tell Vince about the doll's eyes change he put the doll back in his backpack and went to his next class.

As I was about to head to my next class I heard my phone message go off. I looked at my phone and noticed a very strange and unpleasant message appeared on my phone.

The message said "I've noticed you meet Vince. Try not to become too close to him. I'm going to be playing with him first :) "

I replied to the messaged still thinking its Jack "What the fuck that post to mean? And how do you know who Vince is?"

It replied "You still think I'm your friend. You poor, poor human boy. If you really think I'm Jack then meet me at his house after school. You'll be in for a great treat :) "

I knew what I've to do. Go to Jack's house after school and tell him to stop messin with me. Little did I know the person I was texting to really wasn't Jack. And I was about to see what kind of treat he had stored for me.

Tails.EXE/Tails DollWhere stories live. Discover now