Chapter 4 "Sweet Dreams"

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After an entire week after having that experience, I had problems falling asleep because I didn't want to have that nightmare of Tails.exe. Tails.EXE was probably most likely to kill me next. And I didn't want to die. So during one night I tried to just stay up all night. I drank like 5 Red Bull just to make me not fall asleep. I didn't like how I've to drink Red Bull because I didn't like Red Bull but I had to drink it to stay awake. So after I drank the Red Bull I layed down on my bed and stared at the wall. I made a quick prayer hoping I didn't fall asleep because I knew Tails.EXE would be in my nightmares.

As I lay there I start to think about what's going to happen to me. Soon or later Tails.EXE was going to get me. He already got Jack and Vince, so I was next. I really didn't want to die but I knew soon I was going to. For now I just have to stay up as long as I can so I wont have that nightmare. About an hour or two had passed by, I started to get really tired. My eyes were shutting but I tried to keep them open. Though I tried my best to stay awake, sleep got the best of me and I passed out. After I passed out I suddenly woke up in some strange building.

I knew this building was familiar because It was that endless hallways from that mobile game I played a while ago. So I started to walk through the endless hallway hoping it would lead me to somewhere. Of course it didn't lead me anywhere but yet I still continued to follow it. A minute or more went by and I was starting to think there was no way out of the hallway. Then suddenly my eye caught something. It was Tails(The regular/normal Tails) standing in the middle of the endless hallway facing away from me. I was about to walk up to him but then I started to hear him laugh. Of course the laugh was very demotic and almost sounded like Sonic.EXE laughter.

As the laughter fades, Tails faces towards me. Tails just looked at me as if he was almost staring in my eyes. This made me very uneasy. I was about to back away but as soon as I blinked, Tails was right in front of my face and he was in his exe from now. I falled down to the ground as I screamed a bit fearing for my life.

 I falled down to the ground as I screamed a bit fearing for my life

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I panicked and said "Please Don't Hurt Me Tails."

Tails.EXE just laughed and said "Oh don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. I just simply wanna KILL YOU!!!"

Tails.EXE just grabbed the hold of my neck and started to choke the life out of me. I knew this was a very bad dream I'm in, but I just wanted to wake up. I struggled to get Tails.EXE to let go of me. He didn't though, instead his grip got tightened and I started to not be able to breathe. I thought I was going to die but thankfully I was woken by my alarm clock. I was very glad that my alarm clock woke me up. Because I would probably die in my sleep. Though dying peacefully in my sleep would mostly be better than having an exe choke you to death in your sleep. Still I was thankful I didn't die. As I got up from my bed I noticed what time it was. My alarm clock said it was 3AM, but that's impossible, my alarm clock doesn't go off until 5AM. So I grabbed my phone from my desk to see what time it was. And the phone also said 3AM.

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