Chapter 5 "Terrible Fate"

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A few moments went by and I was regaining consciousness. Man my head hurts like hell as I woke up. I was still a bit dizzy from my head being smashed off the mirror. I gotted up from the ground but I realized I wasn't in the school bathroom anymore. In Fact I believe I wasn't in my world Earth. I was like in some kind of hell. Then I realized where I was. I was in the EXE world. I thought this world was just an urban story but it's not. It's real...and I'm in it.

I was about to walk away but I felt like I bumped into something. I turned around to see who it was. I screamed so loud as I saw him, Sonic.EXE. I stepped back away from him.

Sonic.EXE laughed and said "Welcome To Hell Blane!"

"No, This Can't Be Happening!You're Not Real!None Of This Is Real!!!"I scream out

Sonic.EXE just chuckled "Oh I'm quite real Blane. So everything you see is real."

"P..Please Don't Kill Sonic.EXE. Please Ill Do Anything!" I begged

Sonic.EXE says "Oh I'm not gonna kill you....I've something else instore for you"

I've something else instore for you"

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Sonic.EXE started to corner me to a wall mostly trying to fuck around with me because I was scared shitless. I just wanted to wake up from this nightmare, even if this was a dream. Or at least get the fuck out of there. I quickly then push Sonic.EXE out of the way trying to make a run for it. Sadly that bastard had teleported right in front me causing me to fall to the ground.

"Don't even try to run, There's no escape here." Sonic.EXE said.

"What the hell do you want from me!?Why did you have your dumb partner killed my friend Jack and Vince!?And why the hell did you bring me to this hell hole!!!" I asked Sonic.EXE

He grabbed me by my hoodie and death stared at me "To Watch You Suffer....Fox...Doll....Is our poor victim ready?"

I turned around to see Tails.EXE and Tails Doll helding the real Tails captured. And Tails seemed more terrified than how I was. I guess those demon bastards have been torturing him more than they have me.

"Yes Master. He was very quiet easy to get master" Tails.EXE said

"Yeah we also killed his blue rodent friend before he had a chance of saving him" , Tails Doll said.

"Good job my minions" Sonic.EXE said.

Oh my god, what the hell didIi just heard him say. Sonic The hedgehog is dead? That couldn't be true, he's like the fastest thing alive. Sonic.EXE then walked up to Tails while still holding me by the hoodie. I started to struggle to break free but couldn't. All I could do was watch what Sonic.EXE was going to do.

EXE was going to do

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Tails.EXE/Tails DollWhere stories live. Discover now