Chapter 9: Door 100

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Short chapter, sorry!

He was on top of the stairs and immediately jumped down, pushing something away from the stairs before getting on his feet. Run! Bakugou's first instinct was to run past him. Some other people had done the same, while others had ran back into room 099. Bakugou couldn't go back for them, so he silently prayed they would be alright. Around him was Mina, Todoroki, and Uraraka. Everyone else went in room 099. He put a finger his lips, signaling them to be quiet as they walked inside. There was an elevator and a few boxes. 

They all stood in the elevator, waiting for something to happen. Nothing did. Bakugou groaned and looked around, seeing a key in top of a box. He picked it up and started heading out. "Where are you going?" Todoroki whispered. Bakugou glared at him. "I'm testing this key out, bastard. Don't follow me!" He whisper-shouted. He crept down the stairs, and tried the elevator lock. It opened. Bakugou walked forward, hearing slight footsteps around him. He assumed everyone else was making it towards the elevator as there was banging coming from the other doors. 

He opened the electrical box, seeing codes. All the switches were off, and certain numbers popped up without lights while some did. He tried to follow along, flicking the ones with lights on.

 As soon as the pattern was done, a bar with light was filling up. It stoped in the middle, repeating the code again. Baku got was furious. He was sure he did it right. What the hell did I miss?! He thought angrily. "Hey Bakugou." Bakugou screamed, turning around. So that Icyhot bastard did follow him. "DON'T JUST CREEP UP ON PEOPLE LIKE THAT, CREEP!" He screamed. Todoroki blinked. "Sorry" he said, not looking sorry at all. Bakugou's eye twitched but he just left it at that, turning his back on him and solving the puzzle, messing it up again as the code repeated again.

 "Try flicking them all on and turning the ones with no light off," Todoroki said, sensing his frustration. "SHUT UP I KNOW!" Bakugou screamed. He made sure to cover the entire box with his body as he tried his method, completing it. The bar filled up, while resetting with the numbers 1/3 appearing while one of the three boxes lit up. Bakugou groaned internally as he did it again. Bakugou would never tell him his method worked. 

He soon finished the third one, running back towards the elevator before bumping into someone. "CRAP YOU'RE STILL HERE?!" Todoroki nodded. "Yes." Suddenly, the door broke, a loud scream followed by footsteps sounded closer by the second.

Todoroki looked around worriedly. "We have to get out of here, Bakugou!" He quickly grabbed Bakugou's hand, running. Bakugou decided he would yell at that bastard another time, and would have to save him twice somehow. It was a life or death situation right now. If Iida was caught by Figure and he was the fastest, would they be caught to? Bakugou looked back, eyes widening. Figure was right behind them. Distracted, he stumbled a bit, causing them to slow down. 

Yep. They were dead. Bakugou closed his eyes, waiting for his death before feeling a tug. "BAKUGOU! KEEP RUNNING!" Bakugou grinned. If this bastard wasn't giving up, why should he? "DON'T NEED TO TELL ME TWICE!" He screamed as he let go of Todoroki's hand, both of them running as fast as they can. 

They both jumped into the elevator, Deku pressing the button soon after they got in, the door closing behind them immediately. Figure ran towards them, bumping into the closed elevator door. They descended downwards, everyone laughing with joy. "WE'RE GOING HOME!" Mina screamed as she leaped with joy. Uraraka hugged Deku. "I LOVE YOU TOO, DEKU!" She screamed, before turning red and running to the opposite side of the elevator with Deku chasing after her.

 Bakugou looked left and right, feeling tears run down his face. They were free! He looked up, happiness flowing throughout him. That exact moment Figure jumped on top of their elevator, causing everyone to scream in fear. Well, so much for going home. Figure tried to unplug the wires, failing and rolling onto a different floor, unable to chase them. The cheers of happiness continued once more, everyone feeling undefeatable now. 

The elevator went downwards with stopping. Suddenly, it started going faster and shaking. Bakugou felt himself fall down with the sudden increase in speed. Did Figure actually end up breaking the elevator somehow? Bakugou thought, trying to get up before he fell right back down. The elevator soon went crazy, and everything went black.

 The elevator soon went crazy, and everything went black

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AN: Thank you so much if you made it to the end! I actually finish the stories first before I publish one chapter at a time, just in case I loose motivation in the middle of stories. I've lost motivation on this story multiple times but I was able to push forward. This story was quite fun to write and I plan to continue it when doors 100-200 come out! I hope you had as much reading it as I had writing it! I plan to publish more stories in the future whenever I have new ideas so stay tuned! 
Once again, thank you so much for reading!

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