Chapter 2: First Encounter

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They all started anxiously studying the room. Asui noticed a door which had the sign 001 and had a lock. Todoroki had found the key, but decided to wait and look around for a bit in case someone came. Their cellphones had all disappeared too, causing a slight problem.

They all were lazing around for a bit when they heard a scream. They all immediately looked around and saw Uraraka with a worried expression. "What happened girl?" Mina asked, concerned. Uraraka trembled. "I saw some drawers and decided to open them... but in one of them there was a spider! It attacked me and disappeared into thin air! I don't know about you, but I don't think anyone will come anytime soon..." she finished with a shudder. Deku got up and held both of her hands determinedly with his own. "Someone will come! I'm sure of it!" He said. Uraraka squeaked. "U-uh yea!" She slowly turned red before screaming and running towards the door labeled 001- the door had automatically opened for her. 

As soon as she realized what she did, she ran back, apologizing for her behavior. "I'm so sorry! That was very immature of me to do I was just-" Iida shushed her and cleared his throat "Actually, what you did was right. I mean, walking words the door." Kaminari was confused. "What do you mean?" he said, tilting his head. 

"Remember what that man told us? About the paper?" Everyone nodded as Iida continued. "Well, I read the paper and I don't think this is an ordinary hotel at all..." Sero shook his head. "What the hell do you mean?" Iida signaled everyone to gather around him as he showed them the paper.


Failure to follow the instructions will end up with your death.

Rush - Flickering lights signal his presence. Hide in a closet until he passes by.

Ambush - Flickering lights as well means he's here but has a unique scream different from Rush. Hide in a closet until he's gone. Passes by multiple times. Never let your guard down.

Halt- Flickering lights but nothing happens? Next door means he is sure to spawn. Turn around if he instructs you to.

Hide- Staying in a closet too long will anger Hide. Don't stay inside one too long. The more doors you go by, the less time you have to hide in a closet. He does not appear in doors 50, 99, and 100.

Seek- You will see eyes at first, signaling his presence. They will mess with the lights at first. You will encounter him truly through doors 30-45 and once again during doors 80-95. Avoid the obstacles and follow the light. Only then will you be able to beat Seek.

Eyes- Don't look at her. She doesn't like it. Doing so will rapidly drain your health until you look away. To avoid getting hurt, just simply don't look at her AT ALL.

Screech - Appears in dark rooms. You will know he is there if you hear a psst sound. If you hear it, look around for it immediately and stare it down. If you fail to locate him he will bite you and severely injure you.

Jack- A monster with a rare chance of appearing in a locker. He does not do any damage but will scare you greatly.

Timothy- A little spider who also has a rare chance of spawning in a drawer. He does not do much damage. He will disappear right after he bites you.

Figure- A blind entity with great hearing. Do not get too close or he will hear your heartbeat. If he hears you he will run towards you with great speed. He will appear in room 50 and room 〰️〰️〰️〰️...

Window- A shy, creepy monster who watches you from the outside. She is harmless but is always watching you, even when you don't see her. On rare occasions, you might find her right outside your window before immediately disappearing.

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