Chapter 4: Aether

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You looked behind you and so did Dew.
"Aether?!" said Dew.
"Listen I know what your trying to do but it's there second day here! Can you please leave them alone for at least a month." Aether said.
You though Aether and Dewdrop were best buds but it seems like they were different. They must have some sort of love hate relationship going on... you though to yourself.
Dew looked at him for a few seconds then replayed with
"Fine!" He said as he stood up and walked away with his hands in his pockets.
"Are you okay?" Aether asked.
"Yea I'm fine don't worry!" You replied.
"Okay that's good, do you need me to walk you back to the church?"
"Sure, why not" you said with a smile on your face.
You and Aether got to know each other while walking back. It turns out that the reason people were looking at you is because Dewdrop lowers people into coming into the basement so that he can do something to them. Dewdrop never says what he does to them. It's always different every time. But Dewdrop tells people who he's gonna go for and tries to start rumours. Your rumour was that you liked Rain more than a friend but that one not many people believed.
"Well here we are!" Aether says.
"Thank you for walking me back I hope that I see you around!" You say.
"I better go find Dewdrop now" Aether says and walks away.
You head back to your room to read a book when you hear a knock at the door.
*knock* *knock*
They open the door a creek.
"Hey, me and some other girls are going to play spin the bottle truth or dare! Wanna join?" The person asked.
"Sure" you put down your book and walk over to the door.
You and the girl go to a bedroom that had about 10 girls in. You settle down on the bed with 3 other girls. They are all talking until one of them interrupts them all.
"Okay everyone is here now let's begin!"
The first girl spins the bottle. And it lands on the girl to your right.
"Truth or dare?"
"Hmmm... truth!"
"Do you like anyone?"
"Yes I do" the girl to your right says giggling.
You never liked those questions. They were always middle schooler questions that you ask at a girls sleepover. But I guess you could call this it.
The girl to your right spins the bottle. It lands on you.
"Truth or dare?"
You were feeling obnoxious so you said
"Ooooooohhhh" most of the girls in the room said.
"Hmmmm... I dare you too..." it took her a few seconds to answer but she said
"Sneak into the kitchen and get us snacks!"
You though about it for a second but decided to do it.
"Alright I will be back in 5." You said and walked out of the room.
You walked slower towards the kitchen to see that there were no chefs in there and went in there quickly and grabbed 3 bags of chips, 4 Coca Colas and 2 water bottles. You knew it wasn't enough for everyone but they never said to get something for everyone. You went back to the room and opened the door.
"I'm baaack..." you said.
"Great! What did you get?" Someone said.
"3 bags of chips, 4 Coca Colas and 2 water bottles" you replied.
They all sighed since there wasn't enough for everyone but you just said
"It's better than nothing!"
"So what did I miss?" You said.
"Well she had reveal her crush and I had to get marker on my face" someone else said.
"Well I'm going to go back to bed..." you said.
"But it's not even dinner time yet." you heard someone say.
"I know im just tired!" You said.
You left and headed back to your room. This wasn't really a camp since nothing really happened  so far but you were looking forward to tomorrow hopefully something will happen.
676 words
Omg I have 2 views! I know it's not a lot but for my first book I think it's pretty good!
-Kai <3

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