Chapter 6: Mountain

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You and Alessia look to see a very tall ghoul holding Altair in there arms. Altair is holding a hole bunch of crystals in her arms.
"Omg Altair!" Alessia says as she goes to her.
"Don't to that again you scared me to death" She said as you watched her hug Altair.
The ghoul put down Altair and introduced himself.
"I'm mountain" he said.
"I'm Y/N and this is Alessia and that's Altair, what are you doing that far in the cave?"
"I've been here a long time I know the caves pretty well" Mountain said.
"Thank you so much for finding my sister!"Alessia said still hugging her sister.
"It's no problem! It happens quite often to be honest. Humans need to be more careful" he said.
"Well thank you again!" Alessia said as she walked out of the cave with Altair.
"Bye thanks Mountain!" You said with a smile on your face as you walked away.
You and the others walk back to camp. You and Alessia admire the crystals Altair got.
Once you arrive back you go to eat dinner and head to bed. You fall asleep.
191 words
Sorry for the short chapter I will get one out soon!
-Kai <3

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