Chapter 12: The End

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You slam yourself into the door one more time and...
It opens. You fall on the floor but jolt up in your bed. "What?" "What's going on?..." "did I make it?" You think to yourself.
People enter your room. It's Alessia and Altair.
"Oh my god thank god your awake!" Alessia says.
"Your. Alive?" You say.
Alessia looks at you confused.
"What do you mean? Of course I am."
"What happened?" You ask.
"When we where walking outside yesterday you fell and hit your head on some rocks." She says.
You reach up at your head and feel a bandage all around your head.
"Oh..." you say. "Did you get hurt?"
"No, I'm fine so is Altair"
So was it all a dream? How could have that been a dream. Your very confused but your memory of it fades away. You forget about it completely... you continue your life as if it never happened...
154 words

Did I really just end it like that? Yes. Yes I did. I'm pretty busy with school so I wanted to end it quickly and I didn't want "The Dream" to continue since you would have to keep dying...and plus if you didn't think this would happen well look at the title of this story... if your wondering why she forgot about it it's because whenever I wake up and immediately start talking to someone I completely forget my dream... anyways thank you to everyone who read it and ilyasm. I might write another story but I have no inspiration at the moment but we will see what happens...
(I'd love some inspiration from you guys)
-Kai <3

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