Chapter 7: Rude awakening

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"HEY!!" Says someone as you jolt awake!
"WHAT? What happened?!" You say in shook.
"Nothing happened" they say and you look at the person who did that. It's Alessia.
"What is wrong with you!!" You say as you get out of bed.
"Come on I wanna do something fun today" Alessia says with a huge smile on her face.
"Uhh ok" you reply.
"Now get out." You says with an angry face.
"Ok geez..." Alessia says giggling and walking out of the room.
You get ready for the day as you always do. You walk out of the room and Alessia is talking to Altair as Altair reads a book.
"Is she even paying attention" you say with a jokingly giggle.
Altair looks up and nods.
"I don't get how she does it..." Alessia says.
"Let's just go eat breakfast" you say and walk off with them following behind you.
You eat breakfast and head outside with them.
"So what did you want to do today?" You ask.
"Well you know the basement?" She says whispering.
"No. Where not doing that." You say knowing exactly what she will say next.
"Come on pleeeeasseee!!?" Alessia says.
You think for a moment.
What could possibly go wrong... you think to yourself knowing everything will.
"Fine." You say.
"But if one single thing goes wrong we are out of there, understand?" You say.
"I understand now let's goooo!" Alessia say, Altair still looking at her book.
You and the sisters go back inside and head for the door. You arrive at the door and say
"I really don't know about this... we can get it into so much trouble."
"It's fiinnneeee" she says and reaches for the door knob. She opens the door. Its pitch black, you and Alessia look at each other. Alessia is smiling but you look a bit scared or frightened.
You begin to walk down the stairs with them. Altair closes her book and puts it in her bag she has with her.
334 words
Having problems with my mental health right now but I'll try to update more!
-Kai <3

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