Chapter 1

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 Kirk's POV

I guess you could say I'm a "problem child." I ran away from home multiple times, I do drugs, and I drink. So I guess I wouldn't be surprised when my mom said I'll be going to some boarding school thousands of miles away from home for god knows how long.

"It'll be for the best" She said as she helped me pack my bag.

"Yeah, that's what they all say.." I mumbled.

"Aw, Kirk don't get like that. Me and your father only want the best for you. What you're doing right's not the best for the future. We want to change that. Besides, this school has a lot of good reviews, y'know." 

I roll my eyes. Yeah but they could be lying. I thought to myself.

My mom stood up from her spot on the floor. "Well, your bag is all packed. I also left a flyer for the school for you. You should read it. Maybe it'll change how you view the school right now!"

I watched as she left the room. Then, I started to cry. My vision getting blurry and my throat getting that weird lump. So my parents are just giving up on me? Why? Just like everyone else? 

"Maybe if you actually talked to me and listened I wouldn't turn to drugs to cope." I muttered. 

As I lay on my bed thinking about what will happen, I continued to sulk. Oh suck it up Kirk. Be a man. Boys don't cry. My voice in my head told me. 

A train of thoughts were circling around me. What if this school is abusive? What if my parents just forget about me while I'm there? What if I get bullied?  

I chuckle sadly. You're just overthinking, Kirk. 

I sigh as I close my eyes, trying to fall asleep. Trying to push the bad thoughts away. Ignoring the fucked up part of me telling me to kill myself so I can avoid confrontation to my issues. A small part of me thinks that maybe the school will be good. Maybe I should  get fixed or whatever the fuck society thinks.


The next morning I'm awoken by the smell of bacon and chatter in the kitchen. It's almost a normal morning for me but then I remember that. 

"Guess I better get up..."I mumble as I throw on an Iron Maiden shirt and the first pair of jeans I find. 

I walk out to the kitchen and I'm greeted by my mom and dad. "Hey sweetie! Want some bacon?" My mom asks.

 I didn't get a chance to reply because she's already putting some on a plate. I don't get why people don't wait for a reply and continue to do things. What if I didn't want bacon? But it's whatever, I wanted some.

"Hurry up and eat that. We need to catch your flight." My dad says. 

In my mind I flip him off. Since fucking when did you even care about me? You only talked to me whenever I was in trouble. 

I gulped down my breakfast and grabbed my bag. We where then out the door. The car ride was quite awkward. I guess when you were driving to the airport to take your kid to a boarding school instead of Disneyland, there's not a lot to talk about.

"Okay Kirk, the flyer says there's gonna be some school staff waiting for you and then you'll go on the plane. Got it?" My mom says as she gives me a hug. 

"Okay." I said as I reluctantly hug her back. I get she's trying to be nice. But I don't feel like hugging her when she's  sending me away because she doesn't  have the guts to deal with me like any other parent would.

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