Chapter 2

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I grabbed my bag and walked out of the car and took in the looks of Crestview Boarding School. It consists of a huge brick building that has Victorian style architecture, with smaller buildings of the same style surrounding it. There was also a huge field and a small garden. I smile and take in the fresh country air. It's almost peaceful here. I walked up the small steps and entered the big building.

As soon as I walked in, a lady with fluffy, graying hair and an old wrinkled face greeted me.

"Kirk, is it?" She inquired. The lady had a strange posh accent that kinda intimidated me. 

"That's me." I said. Jeez I've been saying that a lot today.

"Well hello, Kirk. I'm Mrs. Bennet. The principal here at Crestview boarding school. If you can please follow me?" She said as she led me to a changing room. 

"Please take off your jewelry and other clothes and put on this uniform..." She said as she narrowed her eyes. "We don't take too kindly too...being punk or whatever you kids call it." She then gave me a uniform and wiped her hands on her pencil skirt. 

I pursed my lips as she left the room. I already don't like the old, wrinkly, bitch that is my principal. But changed anyways as I don't want to get in trouble.

I put on the uniform. It consisted of a black blazer, a white button up shirt, black pants, a light blue tie, and dress shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror. Jeez this isn't me. I picked up my old clothes and reluctantly walked out of the room. 

"Perfect." Said Mrs. Bennet approvingly. She took my old clothes from my hands and tossed them in a bin. 

"Will I ever get those back?" I asked as I looked longingly at the bin.

Mrs. Bennet sighed sternly. "You must earn it." She adjusted her glasses before continuing. "Anyways, you'll be having a roommate. He'll be responsible for showing you around and sort of teaching you how things work around here. He'll be like your first friend." Said Mrs. Bennet as she headed out the door. "Follow me, will you?"


I followed Mrs. Bennet out the back door of the main building and into one of the smaller buildings. "Here is one of the many housing dorms on campus." Said Mrs. Bennet. 

 I looked around and saw a glance of some kids in the hang out area, though they seemed to be screaming at one another, and one of them was wearing a baby costume. And a girl by the stairs was scrubbing the floors...with a toothbrush?

Mrs. Bennet quickly shut the door. "Ignore that." She said with a fake smile. "Come along now, up the stairs." 

Me and the girl scrubbing the floors exchanged glances. She looked really tired. "Why are you cleaning? You look really tired and quite sick.." I said solemnly. 

Mrs. Bennet turned around. "DON'T TALK TO PEOPLE ON CINDERELLA DUTY." She shouted. 

What the hell is Cinderella duty? I wanted to ask Mrs. Bennet. But I was too scared. What if she makes me do Cinderella duty? 

We continued to walk up the stairs in silence. We stopped on the third floor infront of the second door to the left. 

"Aha! Here we are now." Said Mrs. Bennet. She then knocked on the door. 

"Come in." A voice came from behind the door.

Mrs. Bennet unlocked the door and we entered the dorm. And sitting on a desk chair was possibly the most beautiful guy I've ever seen. 

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