Chapter 6

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Authors note: Kirk is having a nightmare, and there's period typical homophobia and small usage of the F slur. You can skip this chapter with you get too triggered, it won't  really mess up the storyline for you. You'll  just miss some relationship booster shit (idk wtf to call it. 💀)


"Hey, do you like anyone?" I asked, as I sat down next to Lars. 

We were on top of a roof, hanging out as we watched the stars. Lars shrugged. "Yeah but I'm not telling you that, dipshit." 

I smiled. "Can you tell me? Pleaseee?"

"No way dude! Shit like that is supposed to be a secret." Lars said as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Please?" I asked, almost begging. I was desperate to find out if he liked me or not.

"Fine, but you have to go first though." Lars replied, smirking.

"Okay, well you." I said as I gave him a small smile.

"Really? Well, I like you too!" Exclaimed Lars. He had the biggest grin ever.

"Really? You're not..messing with me?" I asked. In the past, people used to ask me out as a joke. How would I know if that isn't happening again?


I froze. Why would he like about something like that? 

Lars stood up and stood infront of me. "You think I'm a fag?" He added, sneering.

"No...I just thought you'd-"

Lars smirked, as he interrupted me in a snarky manner. "Y'know it's against the rules to be in love here. Especially if you're a fag!" He shoved me lightly, and I gasped, the edge just inches away.

"And you think we're friends? We never fucking were! Me and the guys just wanted to gain your trust. We know that every newcomer will want to escape! But that's forbidden, y'know. We just wanted to get you in trouble." He said, before shoving me again.

My eyes were practically bulging out of my head. So James and Jason were fake too? I looked behind me. Just one more shove from Lars, and I'll be gone.

"You're stuck here, Kirk! Guess we'll have to tell Mr. Wheeler about this, huh?" Lars said as he  laughed tauntingly.

"No.." I whispered. ""


"NO!" I screamed into my pillow. Tears were running down my face as I breathed heavily, drenched in sweat. What the fuck? What kind of nightmare was that? Lars must have heard my cries because he got out of his bed and rushed up to me.

He sat down next to me and gave me a hug. "It's gonna be ok Kirk. It was just a nightmare." He said soothingly. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"No." I whispered back.

We stayed like this, my head rested on his shoulder as he ran his fingers through my curls. He smells quite nice, like flowers. 

"You're shaking, nightmare must have really fucked you up." He said, as he pulled the blanket over us.

"Yeah.." I mumbled. I could feel his body heat. There doesn't need to be light to know he's blushing. 

And it's quite funny that he's being this caring, because I know that Lars can seem sorta mean, sarcastic, and quite eccentric.

"Hey Kirk? Whatever happened in that nightmare, it isn't real." He whispered. "And I'll always be here to comfort you. That's a promise."

It's nice to know he has my back.


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