Chapter 4

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Authors note: sorry this one is kinda short, lol. 💀

As I walk to the kitchen, I think about how odd that contract was. But hey, atleast I get to work with Lars! I smile happily as I walk into the kitchen.

I tap Lars's shoulder. "Hey!"

Lars jumps, look startled and turns around. He then gives a sigh of relief that it's just me. "Oh hey! I'm glad you got the same job as me!" 

I laugh. "Yeah." Then I look around, confused. "Uh, what do I do?"

Lars smiles and hands me an apron. "Put this on and you can help me cook the dinner. The others are also working on dinner." Lars says as he points to a group of people on the other side of the kitchen.

"Okay." I reply as I put on a apron. I then grab a knife and start chopping the vegetables.

"So how was your contract signing?" Lars asks.

"It was alright..." I said. But it most definitely was not alright. Something about it made me feel uneasy. I furrow my eyebrows and sigh, wanting to forget the whole matter.

Lars puts his hand on my shoulder. "Something wrong?"

I blush. Lars has never been this..touchy. But I shake my head. 

Lars shrugs and turns his attention back to cooking. "Well, you can always talk to me though. Okay?"

"Thanks." I mutter. 


We stay like that for a few hours, making small conversation. But everything seems so weird here. But I just can't put my finger in it. 

You're overthinking...again. Nothing is wrong, Kirk. I reassure myself. I've probably done this a thousand times in the past day that I've been here. 

And why the fuck am I crushing on Lars? I've barely known him for a day. 

What is it about this school that's making me so...uneasy? My mind changes to the fact that this school could be a cult. But I tell myself not to think that way. That maybe it's just that I'm scared and lonely. I've told myself this before. I'm fine. Nothing is wrong. 

You just watch too many horror movies Kirk. You're confusing fiction with reality! I tell myself. 

A staff member then walks in and tells us it's time for group therapy. Lars drops his cooking supplies.

"Cmon dude." He tells me. 

I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach. But maybe it's just because I'm with my crush? It can't be that I'm scared of what's gonna happen because this fucking chaotic school is unpredictable and I could get in trouble for doing the slightest thing wrong. 

Lars pats my hand. "It'll be okay. Group therapy is alright. Nothing to be scared of." Lars reassures me. But it seems that he's telling himself that instead of it being directed to me. Because he almost said it I'm a whisper. 

I blush, but pull my hand away. We could get in trouble for that. And the last thing I want to do is get me and Lars in trouble.

Once we arrive to the group therapy room, I notice there's a bunch of other kids there, sitting in chairs in a circle. I notice that James and Jason are there. I smile and wave as me and Lars sit down next to them

 A staff member walks in and tells us to start sharing.  

But then..

Then a wave of insults pour out of people's mouth. All directed at one another. It's so strange and the fact that the staff member isn't doing anything about it makes it weirder. 

But my heart drops when someone mentions my name. 

"Kirk." A girl mutters.


"You're a fucking little bitch. I heard that you're in here because you're too much of a fucking problem for your parents to handle! You must be the biggest fucking mistake in the world!" She sneers.

"What?" I ask. I look at Lars and he has a sad look on his face. Like he wants to do something  but can't. James and Jason look the same. 

I start to tear up. But then laughter starts to come out of the girl. "Aww, he's crying!" 

The staff member goes into the circle and gets up in my face. "Boys don't fucking cry."

I try to hold in the tears, but it's just too much. People start to laugh and yell insults at me. The staff member turns to James, Jason, and Lars and tell them to join in. They reluctantly do.

But I can tell my friends don't mean what they're saying...right?

The staff member then chuckles and throws a bottle and a bunch of other baby stuff at me. "Go on, baby. Cry, cry, cry."

The room roars with laughter as I cover my ears and close my eyes

What kind of therapy is this?

I then peek my eyes open to see that my friends aren't laughing or insulting me. They're just sitting there. Looking at me sadly. 

And I thought I saw Lars mouth. It's okay.


Once that traumatizing 'therapy' ended the girl who insulted me said see you later and acted as if we're friends. What kind of sick person does that? 

I ball my hands up into a fist and sigh. My thoughts racing. The school is fucking sick.

"Hey man you okay?" I hear someone ask. I think it's Lars.

But my eyes are fogging up and my mind is racing, going a million miles an hour.

It finally hit me that...This isn't a school.

It's a goddam cult.

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