Chapter 3

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Me and the rest of the kids walked to our dorms in silence as staff members walked behind us, telling some kids to walk faster as they pushed them to the ground.

Me and Lars said our goodbyes to James and Jason as we went into our dorms.

Once me and Lars were in our dorm, I looked at him with wide eyes. "What the fuck happened?"

Lars sighed sadly as he changed into his pajamas. "That's called a school meeting, it's kinda like an assembly of some sorts. Except it's for a kid who misbehaved to have his punishment decided by the whole school, while getting talked to by Mr. Wheeler." 

"Oh." I mumbled. I changed into my pajamas before turning to look at Lars. "But why was that boy-Kyle getting yelled at by Mr. Wheeler?" 

Lars opened his mouth before closing it again. He climbed into bed before turning off the lights. "We should go to sleep now. Nightly inspections are soon." He yawned, changing the subject.

"Okay.." I replied as I reluctantly climbed into my bed.

"Goodnight Kirk." Lars said sweetly

"Goodnight." I replied, smiling fondly. But I turned to face the wall next to my bed and sighed softly, a train of thoughts facing through my head.

Today was crazy. Absolutely bonkers.

 I got sent to some crazy boarding school in the middle of nowhere where it's really fucking strange. Kids scrubbing the floors while they look very sick and like haven't slept in days, Kids wearing humiliating signs and costumes, kids who don't look much older than everyone else yelling at the other kids, the adults don't stop the other kids humiliating the others, and everyone just looking absolutely miserable.

Not only that but this place is ran by sickos. People who seem to take pride in yelling at teenagers for the littlest things.

But atleast I have a cute roommate and some decent friends. James and Jason don't seem too insane, unlike everyone else. And Lars is just well him.  I wonder why they're all  here. 

My mind races. I wanna get out of here. But again, I feel safe here. But at the same time I don't. It's like something is drawing me to stay here.

I don't know what it is.

But I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep and a staff member shines their bright ass flashlight to check that me and Lars are asleep before walking out and shutting the door.

Today is Sunday, so there's no school and according to Lars the weekends are more chill. And apparently we have jobs and I'll get mine assigned tomorrow.

I yawn and it's not too long until I fall asleep for real.

I should've escaped at that airport when I still could.


The next morning I sat in my bed, messing with a loose thread on a blanket while waiting for Lars to wake up.

I then heard shifting in the bed. "Good morning Kirk!" 

I smiled at turned my head to look at Lars. "Good morning."

We talked for a little bit before getting ready for the day. I showered in our bathroom and changed into a new uniform. Lars did the same.

"What's today gonna be like?" I asked Lars as I stood next to him in front of the mirror while he did his hair.

"Work, group therapy, and school." Lars said as he turned to look at me. "It's gets boring here."

"Ah." I look through the window, the sunlight shining through. 

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