Chapter 14

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Clouds blow by slowly as many trees in Spring Oaks have leaves gently flying away with the wind. A White Mountain Fritillary crosses the sky and lands on a Broadleaf arrowhead. Its wings flap a few times before coming to a rest. The water of the lake slowly moves around at a gentle pace. Rosy, a female Doxle, sits next to the butterfly, having her feet in the water. Her color coat is grey with a tan underbelly. The tan color would extend around her mouth and narrow between her eyes and the top of her head. She has sea-blue eyes. The center of her forehead revealed Rosy being an element base like Wishalena's. It came off as deep blue on the outer rings as light blue with color in the center rings. Inside the element was a baby blue symbol shaped like a curving teardrop. It's formally known as a Water-type Kismet. Rosy's long light-blue hair remained tied back in a double bun.

The front sweeps to her right side as her bangs go to her sides. The little Doxle has two yellow horns that curve downward on the sides of her head. Rosy wears a baby blue one-piece bikini, knowing she swims. She took her eyes to the butterfly and watched as it flew off the flower and landed on her hair. Rosy smiled and moved her feet through the water gently. The sounds of the tiny waves pushed outwards. Suddenly a male's voice raised in the distance.

"YES! And I know that it's a game-changer if done right!" Rosy's attention got pulled over, seeing Vanessa talking to Tristian, the black Asian lion having a conversation nearby Joshua and Oliver. Vanessa wore a red bikini, moving her hands around the water. Tristan wore blue palm tree swimming trunks. Laughter broke between the two of them. Rosy stared at them until she got an idea inside of her head. "I couldn't sit there and say, yes, please hit me. COME ON, who would say that?" Vanessa couldn't help but start giggling at Tristian's comment. Suddenly, she felt a splash hit her on the back. Vanessa jumped in surprise from the cold water. Tristian took his eyes over while Vanessa turned to attention. They both could see Rosy still sitting in the same place. She has her left hand raised with water floating over as it rotates clockwise. Rosy stuck her tongue out while winking at both of them. Vanessa lowered her head and smirked. Tristian returned a smile towards Rosy, seeing her little game. "I see you, Rosy. How about you join us instead of sitting over there." Tristian suggested.

Rosy moved her mouth to one side and shrugged her shoulders. She sinks her body into the water slowly. Rosy took a deep breath, embracing the cold pond. Shivers came to her as she moved gently to Vanessa and Tristian. When arriving, Vanessa moved in close and bumped Rosy with her hip. The girls giggled, leaving Tristian to lower his body into the water. "So, how does the water feel?" Tristian asked.

"Cold," Rosy replied. She moved her hands through it while Vanessa fixed her bikini's top.

"I felt the same way when I got in," Vanessa said.

"Hey, Tristian!" A voice shouted. He looked over his shoulder to see it was Joshua coming his way. "Sarafina wants to know if you're going to help with cooking. " He asked. Joshua appeared in his yellow swimming trunks and a silver necklace with a sword-shaped symbol. Tristian turned his attention to him, curious.

"Wait, did you say, Sarafina? What, Huh?" Rosy giggled at Tristian's slightly sarcastic tone.

"Yes, Sarafina is assisting with breakfast. She wants to know if you would like to join," Rosy replied. Her tone is soft and sounds gentle when speaking. Tristan chuckled at her statement.

"In that case, I don't see why not. Do you have any plans on what we are fixing?" Vanessa became excited by Tristian choosing to join. The little tan chihuahua hopped slightly before replying.

"OH, we are cooking eggs, bacon, sausages, and a few other things we may have in the kitchen," Vanessa said. Tristian raised himself out of the water.

"Sure, I don't have anything else to do," Tristian replied. Vanessa got even more excited as she raised her hand toward Rosy, attempting to receive a high five. When Rosy became aware, she smiled and returned Vanessa's suggestion. It left both the young ladies giggling while Tristian rolled his eyes with a smile. Joshua, on the other hand, saw something in the distance. He narrowed his eyes and moved his head forwards. A lawnmower box sat close to the lake in a vertical state. It has two large holes that mimicked like eyes. Below the holes were large letters that said, It's a DumbWishbone. Joshua became confused by the box and thought Wishbone was pulling a joke. He tapped on Tristian's shoulder and pointed into the distance.

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