What Happened That Night?

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"About time Brooke, I was about to leave." I said as my friend and sister-in-law came walking up to the table at the coffee shop.

"Sorry I had issues getting out of the house. Michael is still suspicious of the New York trip I had." Brooke said and I rolled my eyes.

"What happened that night in New York?! You have never said." I said and she sighed.

"Okay well remember how I told you my purse was stolen, I missed the train and just wondered around New York all night?" Brooke said and I nodded.

"Yeah which I told you was stupid." I said and she just sighed.

"I know, well there was something else I haven't told anyone..." Brooke said.

"What?" I asked looking at her confused.

"There was a guy..."

"A guy?! Brooke!" I yelled and people around the coffee shop looked at us.

"Calm down." Brooke said

"You're married...to my brother...I can't be hearing this..." I said and put my hands over my ears. She reached across the table and removed my hands from my ears.

"Listen to me okay, let me explain." Brooke said and I groaned.

"Tell me everything." I said.

"Okay so...after the purse was stolen. I ran to Grand Central because I had my train ticket to get home. Unfortunately, I was late and missed the train. I went outside panicking because my phone was broken, and everything was shit. There was a trumpet player who was there, and he did try to find ways to get me home in time, but it was just one fiasco after another. We would get so close to finding a way but then something would end it. We ended up just walking around New York having an adventure and then he got me on the train the next morning." Brooke explained. I knew there was more she wasn't telling me, but I wasn't going to push.

"Okay so why is my brother skeptical about you leaving the house?" I asked and she sighed.

"There was a reason I had to get home before he did from Georgia, but I didn't make it and he found something I didn't want him to find." Brooke said and I groaned.

"Honesty Brooke, come on." I said.

"Your brother and I...Michael was....he was talking to another woman he worked with for about a year. I found the emails, I was livid and dreamt of ripping his eyes out. I wrote him a letter saying I knew everything, and I couldn't do it anymore leaving my engagement ring and wedding band in the envelope. I went to New York for work and then came to the conclusion that I needed to work on my marriage. I tried to get home, so he didn't find it." Brooke said and I ran my hands through my hair and sighed.

"I swear you two...you jump in feet first. I mean come on there is counseling, there are a million other options then just writing a Dear John letter." I said and and Brooke nodded.

"I know, I know...it's just so much happened that night in New York and Nick helped me figure out what I wanted. Problem is I think I left him heartbroken in the process." Brooke said and I shook my head.

"Did you fall for this guy?!" I asked and she sighed.

"No...yes...I don't know...I mean he was sweet, caring, charming, helpful. Everything you want in a guy, everything any girl could want." Brooke said and I just shook my head.

"Do you plan on ever seeing him again or having any contact with him?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No Harmony I don't. I plan on moving on and working on my marriage with Michael. I owe it him and he owes to me." Brooke said and I nodded. "Anyways you called this coffee meeting. What's going on?" Brooke asked.

"I'm headed to New York next week ironically. I have 2 job interviews at Macys and Bloomingdales. They are both looking for an event coordinator for all major holidays and promotions." I said and Brooke smiled.

"That's huge Nini. You would really leave Boston though?" Brooke asked and I nodded.

"Have to go to the jobs and those are the best places." I said and she nodded.

"Well, I'm proud of you." Brooke said.

"And who knows maybe I will meet my own hot trumpet player." I said and she groaned. I smiled at her, and she just shook her head.

"Now I have to get to work but before I go, I want dinner with you and my brother so I can beat the shit out of him." I said and Brooke sighed.

"Dinner yes, abuse no." Brooke said as we got up from the table to leave.

"We'll see." I said and we left the coffee shop.

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