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I got back to Nick's parents' house, I was let in by Sage's babysitter. I quickly changed into a sweater dress and leggings. I packed as quickly as I could. I left the earrings and necklace from his mom knowing Nick and I probably wouldn't be together after this, and I couldn't accept such a nice gift. I grabbed my keys and everything. I passed the babysitter on the way out.

"Should I tell them anything?" She asked and I sighed.

"No, he will know I'm gone when he goes to check the room." I said and she nodded. I loaded up my bag and got in the car. I knew I couldn't go to New York because that's exactly where he would know I would go. I got on the road and knew exactly where I was headed.

***NICK POV***

I watched Harmony rush out of the ballroom after denying my proposal.

"Nick..." Shannon said as I got up.

"She actually said no." I said in shock.

"Nick after tonight, why did you think it would be okay to propose?" Leonard said and I groaned.

"I thought we could work through it, it would be okay." I said and everyone sighed.

"I have to get home. I have to see her." I said and everyone nodded as I rushed to the coat check, noticed Harmony didn't get hers either. I grabbed both coats, grabbed one of the cars we took and headed home. I was wanting the guy to floor it but he wouldn't go fast at all.

Once I got home, I rushed inside and saw the babysitter sitting in the living room. I ignored her and went walking to Harmony's room to find everything gone, the dress she wore laying on the bed with the box of jewelry my mom gave her. I sat on the foot of the bed and put my head in my hands. She was really gone. I pulled out my phone to call her only for the call to not go through, she blocked me, I didn't think she would go that far.


I pulled into his driveway at 7am the next morning. I was exhausted but refused to stop and just wanted to get there. I grabbed my suitcase and knocked. The front door opened, and Michael was standing there, and I just broke down into tears. He pulled me into a hug and sighed.

"Come on in. I have coffee waiting so we can talk." Michael said and I sighed.

"I hate you went through all of that, but I was just hoping I could go down to the basement and get some sleep. I drove all night after being up early yesterday. I have been up almost 24 hours. I swear I got here on pure adrenaline." I said with a huffed laugh. Michael nodded taking my suitcase and we walked downstairs to the bedroom in the basement. Once we got to the room Michael looked at me.

"Give me your car keys. I am going to put your car in the garage in case Nick comes by. I'm assuming you don't want to see him or him to see you." Michael said as I handed him my keys.

"Michael, I don't know anything. Park my car in the garage and we talk after I get some sleep." I said and he nodded. He hugged me and kissed the side of my head.

"Get some sleep." Michael said and left. I changed into some pajamas, and I got in bed. I covered up, hugged a pillow and just cried myself to sleep.


I wasn't sure how long I had been sleeping when I finally woke up and made it upstairs. I walked in the living room and saw Brooke sitting with Michael.

"Hey, how long was I out?" I asked.

"It's 4pm." Michael said and I just nodded and sat down next to Michael.

"You want to explain what happened?" Michael asked.

"I told you when I called." I said.

"No all you said was you had to leave Nick's parents place and you were hiding out here for a couple of days." Michael said and I sighed.

"Well, it started when we got there, and his mother first put us in separate bedrooms because we weren't married or even engaged. Then when we did Christmas gift, they got me nothing...on purpose." I started off explained and Michael sighed.

"Wow..." Brooke said.

"Then at dinner...you were brought up. They had no clue we were related until I spilled those beans. They just asked where I was from and when I said Boston, they brought up the girl Nick hung out with all night a few months ago." I said and Brooke shook her head.

"Okay so what else?" Michael asked.

"Well, we were only supposed to stay a couple days and be back in New York for New Year's Eve so we could have our own celebration, but his mother RSVP'd for us to go to a New Year's Eve gala with them last night, so we went. When we were there Nick ran into his ex-girlfriend. Well, I went to the ladies' room and when I came back, they were dancing. When I asked to cut in, she insisted one dance wouldn't matter and Nick agreed so I danced with her date for that dance. I wasn't very happy with Nick, he hurt me. Well come midnight Nick got down on one knee and proposed. I turned him down and ran." I said. Nick and Brooke were looking at me slightly shocked.

"You turned him down?" Michael asked and I nodded.

"Of course, I did! He was only proposing because he was trying to prove to me that he loved me and not Hannah, the ex. I mean why else would he do it there in front of everyone when she has a chance to see. I don't need him to make a big deal out of a proposal to prove to people he loves me. I just want Nick." I said and broke down in tears again. Brooke pulled me into a hug.

"I'm happy you said no." Brooke said and I looked at her.

"What?" I asked.

"I mean hell yeah! He was obviously just trying to prove his love for you to himself, so he proposed." Brooke said and I nodded in agreement.

"I just needed to be away for a few days. I mean I have to go back soon and go to work, but I don't know what I'm going to be about living next to him." I said. We were all sitting there when Michael's cellphone rang.

"It's mom, I told her you were here." Michael said walking away to answer the phone. As he walked away there was a knock on the door and Brooke looked out the window.

"It's Nick." 

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