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A week later I was walking out of Macys at the end of my shift just tired and wore out. As I walked out I saw the familiar smiling face and which made me smile.

"Hey, was I expecting you to be here?" I asked walking up to Nick.

"Hey, no um...I wanted to see if you wanted to come to the jazz club tonight?" Nick asked.

"I don't know is there a certain trumpet player playing?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Maybe..." Nick said and I smiled.

"Well I would love to. Do I have to time to go home and change or not?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah don't have to be back until 8." Nick said and I smiled as we headed to the subway to head home. "So you said the family was coming in for the holidays. Are they coming for both Christmas and Thanksgiving?" Nick asked and I shrugged.

"I know thanksgiving for the parade, that will be my first major event with the store. They want to come to see that and get the family picture with Santa but not clue about Christmas yet." I said and Nick half nodded.

"Would you ever go to Boston for Christmas?" Nick asked and I sighed.

"A Boston Christmas is nice but a New York Christmas is the most amazing thing in the world." I said and Nick nodded.

"What about you and your family?" I asked.

"Everyone is back in Washington DC. I sometimes go there for Thanksgiving but this year might be a little different." Nick said and I looked at him oddly.

"Why is that?" I asked and he sighed.

"I will be on tour with the band. We are supposed to have the last show the day before thanksgiving but I don't know where the last stop is so no clue where I will be on thanksgiving." Nick said and I nodded.

"Well I hope you get something." I said and we walked off the subway to walk home. Once we got to our apartment doors I looked at Nick.

"When do you want to leave?" I asked and he looked at his watch.

" about an hour and a half?" Nick asked and I nodded.

"Sounds good." I said and headed inside.


As I was getting my shoes on there was a knock on my door and I smiled

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As I was getting my shoes on there was a knock on my door and I smiled. I walked over and opened the door to see Nick standing there in his black tie and shirt and a pair a dress slacks. I smiled at his appearance and he smiled at me.

"You look nice." Nick said and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said and we headed out. We were silent until we got to the subway and I linked my arm in Nick's, he looked at me and smiled. We got on the subway when it arrived and Nick was sitting with his trumpet bag in his lap.

"You nervous?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, playing has become second nature." Nick said and I nodded.

"Well I have only heard you play in grand central and in the apartment. It will be nice to hear a full set." I said and Nick looked at me oddly. "When I was here for my interviews I saw you and sent a picture of you to Brooke...the night I attacked you..." I said and Nick thought about remembering and nodded. "I'm sorry about that by the way." Nick said and just shook his head.

"It's okay, you thought you were defending someone." Nick said and I shrugged.

"Maybe...." I said and Nick looked at me.

"What's wrong?" Nick asked.

"I don't know, it's hard to explain..." I said and Nick nudged into my shoulder.

"Talk to me." Nick said.

"It's just Brooke has it all. A husband, yes he can be an ass but he was always amazing when he wasn't being an ass, a stepson who adores her and the best job. Yet she comes to New York with every plan of leaving my brother with a damn Dear John letter, met an amazing man who was willing to drop everything and help her. Yet I cant even find a guy who can stand to be in a relationship with me for more than 3 weeks. They get what they want from me and its all over." I said and Nick said.

"Hey, look at me..." Nick said and I looked at him. "Those guys who left you don't know what their missing." Nick said and I gave a small smile. "And Brooke, she was confused and messed up in her own life. She didn't know what to do, I just helped keep her company until she could catch the train the next morning." Nick explained and I nodded.

"I want to believe that Nick and I want to believe nothing happened but I know there is something there, something happened. I know Brooke and she is hiding something. I just want one of you to be honest with me." I said and Nick groaned.

"I thought we were moving on from this?" Nick asked.

"I just need to know." I said and Nick sighed. We got of the subway and headed towards the club.

"Okay you want to know is goes..." Nick proceeded to tell me how he found Brooke that night stranded and no way to get home. He purse was stolen, phone broken, no money or credit card to get any way home. He told me about her helping him confront his ex-girlfriend and how everything went. "We then stayed in the hotel I was sharing with my friend for a few hours to get warm and everything. We talked, laughed, she did tell me about her overbearing but amazing sister in law." Nick said and I smiled as he did as well. His smile faded though. "We kissed in the hotel room. I'm not sure who kissed who but it just happened and it was just a kiss, it didn't mean anything." Nick said and I felt my heart sink a little bit. I knew something had happened.

"Was it only the one kiss?" I asked and Nick shook his head.

"We kissed at the train station the next morning as a goodbye thing." Nick said.

"Did you have feelings for her?" I asked and Nick shook his head. I know I don't want to hear this answer.

"No, I knew it was all about your brother. I was never going to be in between that." Nick said as we arrived outside the jazz club and Nick sighed. "I would understand if you didn't want to stay and listen now." Nick said and I shook my head.

"I just want answers and now I have them, I can move on from the whole Nick and Brooke adventure." I said and Nick smiled.

"So you going to stay and hear me play?" Nick asked and I smiled.

"Obviously." I said as he took my hand and we headed into the club.

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