Should Have Run

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It was the morning to leave for New York I was finishing packing my bag when Nick walked the apartment.

"You ready?" Nick asked and I smiled.

"Almost, can you turn my thermostat down? I don't want the heat to constantly be on while I'm gone." I said and Nick adjusted it like he did his own.

"We should really discuss something soon." Nick said and I looked at him.

"Which would be...?" I trailed off.

"Moving in together." Nick said and I just stopped packing and looked at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Come on, don't tell me you haven't thought about it." Nick said and I shrugged trying to hid my smile.

"Maybe I have..." I said.

"Exactly. I mean I either stay here or you stay at my place. It's stupid to pay for heat and everything in 2 apartments when one of them is constantly being used." Nick said and I nodded. He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my midsection resting his chin on my shoulder.

"And think about all the fun we could have living together...." He whispered in my ear and I moaned.

"Oh yeah you playing trumpet at 2am when you cant sleep..." I said and he smiled shaking his head.

"You never said anything! I thought you were sleeping through it." Nick said and I smiled.

"Usually it lulls me back to sleep. I love hearing you play so much. But can I ask why when you can't sleep you play the song you wrote for me?" I asked turned my head to look at him and he blushed.

"It soothes me." Nick said and I smiled. I leaned in and gave him a small kiss.

"Well it soothes me too. I love that song. Actually bring your trumpet with us." I said and smiled.

"Already packed with my stuff. Mom already told me I will be playing at sometime on my visit." Nick said and I laughed.

"So how long do you want to stay at your parents house, you never said." I said as he released me so I could zip up my suitcase.

"Well I want to be back here by New Year's Eve. I want to spend the new year with you. Ringing it in, at my apartment. Fire going, tree lit, ball drop on tv, then kissing you at midnight." Nick said and I smiled with a nod.

"Sounds amazing." I said and Nick smiled. He grabbed my suitcase and took it too the door.

"Do you want me to drive?" Nick asked and I nodded handing him the keys to my car.

"Can you go warm it up though. I want to make sure I have all the gifts. You have everything?" I asked and Nick nodded. He headed out to the car with the suitcases.

"Can you grab my trumpet on the way out?" Nick asked and I nodded. As Nick I pulled out my cellphone.

HARMONY: Nick and I are going to be on the road soon. You guys going to be home or working?

MICHAEL: We are both working. Mom is there with Hunter though...

HARMONY: Michael!

MICHAEL: You really thought she wouldn't be over for Christmas?

HARMONY: Fine...🤬

MICHAEL: Play nice, I don't want blood in my house.

HARMONY: No promises.

I was about to put my phone away when I got a text from Nick.

NICK: Waiting outside. Let's hit the road.

I smiled and rushed out of the apartment making sure to grab the trumpet case. Once I got outside I got in the car and smiled at Nick.

"Let the fun begin." I said and Nick laughed. "Oh and fair mother is already at my brothers..." I said and Nick shook his head.

"I had to meet her eventually right?" Nick asked and shook my head.

"Not if I had a choice." I said, Nick laughed grabbing my hand bringing my knuckles to his lips and kissing them.

"It will be fine Minnie..." Nick said calling me a nickname he had come accustomed to using. I smiled at him.


We pulled up in front of the house and I sighed seeing my mother's car in the driveway.

"Well you still have time to run..." I said and he laughed turning the car off.

"No way, come on." Nick said.

"Witches Lair here we come..." I said getting out of the car. I saw the front door fly open as Nick and I went to the trunk to get the suitcases.

"AUNT HARMONY!" Hunter yelled and attacked me with a hug.

"Kid you just saw me a month ago." I said and he sighed.

"But I have been with grandma for a whole day. You are my savior." Hunter said and I smiled at him.

"Hey Nick!" Hunter said and they fist bumped.

"Hey Hunter, you think you could help me with the bags?" Nick asked and Hunter nodded. I still had Nick's trumpet.

"You and Nick are staying in the bedroom in the basement. Grandma already calmed the upstairs room." Hunter said and I sighed.

"Okay, well lead the way." Nick said as we walked towards the door. AS we approached, I saw mother...

"Harmony...." She said seeming me and I smiled.

"Hello mother." I said and she pulled me into a hug.

"Mom, this is my boyfriend Nick Vaughan." I said and she shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Dalton." Nick said and he smiled.

"Please call me Polly." She said and Nick smiled.

"Hunter, take Nick and the bag to the basement please." I said and he nodded.

"Harmony, what is that?" Polly asked pointing to the trumpet bag.

"Nick's trumpet mom. He plays, he is in a jazz band. He plays for Duke Terry." I said.

"Oh how...nice." Polly said and I groaned.

"I'm going to take this downstairs." I said and walked away from my mother. Once I got downstairs Nick and Hunter were getting things situated and I saw the punching bag in the corner of the room. I walked right up to it and punched it hard.

"Wow only took you 10 seconds." Hunter said and I looked at him. I looked at Nick.

"I told you we should have run...." I said and he just wrapped me in a hug.

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