Chapter 12

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I wake up with a groan. At first I don't even know how to orient myself. But then I remember. I was standing in a pentagram and the warlocks performed an ancient ritual on me. I feel a warm hand in mine. I slowly turn my head and see golden liquid eyes. Jase is sitting by my bed. Suddenly two more worried faces appear. Chiara and Janik stand behind their father and look down on me.
"W-what happened?" I ask, my voice cracking. The other three exchange a look.
"After repeating Magnus' words, you fell to the ground. You didn't move anymore. They stopped the ritual immediately, and Magnus first gave you emergency treatment after Dad brought you here. Since then we've been waiting for you to wake up," says Chiara. She walks around the bed and sits on my right. Janik stands undecided.
"What did you see?" he asks quietly. With the help of the other two, I sit up a bit.
"Twice I landed in some visions of the future. And the third one I don't know exactly. It could also have been a changed past."
"Things often appear different than they really are!" says Magnus. He suddenly stands in the room. "It has to do with the pacing rules," he explains.
"And what does it mean in plain language?" asks Chiara.
"Tempus means time, everyone knows that!" says Janik.
"Janik, Chiara, please leave us alone for a moment. I have to talk to your parents alone," says Magnus. Janik wants to say something but his sister grabs his arm and drags him behind her.
"You were really lucky. It could have gone wrong!" he says once they're gone.
"What would have happened if my wife had stayed longer in this... world?" Jase asks carefully.
"This world is called the tense sphere. Often ends up in such spheres when going through a time portal. However, there is also the possibility that you can get there through manipulation."
"What do you think is the most likely?" I ask. Magnus is silent for a few seconds.
"What I think doesn't matter. We should focus more on why you couldn't find your mother."
"As? You think they didn't want Clary to find her mother?" my husband asks, alarmed. Magnus nods in agreement.
"Well no matter. We can't change it. However, we could...", Jase starts to brood again.
"That's nonsense," I say. The two men look at me confused. So I explain: "Well, think about it. What would you do if you lost everything? Exactly, right. You take revenge on those who were spared , respectively, culprits. And how? You're right, you're trying to get back at them the same way..."
"So you're saying that..."
"...that we only have to look for one victim of the war and thus also the culprit!", Jace finishes the sentence of the warlock. I nod in agreement.
"Oh, it's child's play. Oh wait, that's right. Some lost loved ones in the war."
"Then we need the help of the silent brothers," I suggest. Jase looks at me thoughtfully.
"You could be right. Maybe we really should go to the brothers."
"You two should make the City of Silence on your own," says Magnus.
"City of Bones?" asks Janik. I exchange a look with my husband. He thinks the same as me.
"So let's go to the city of silence," I say.

Said and done. Less than twenty minutes later we are also in the cemetery. With Magnus' help, we were able to slip away unnoticed.
"Where are we?" asks Chiara.
"In a cemetery, you see!" says Janik. But I shake my head. "No, this is the city of silence. Also known as the City of Bones." I point to the wrought-iron gate behind me. Jase, standing next to me, just nods.
"And what are we waiting for?"
"For a quiet brother?" Jase suggests. Janik is just about to say something when he hears the all too familiar voice. Or rather, feels.
Clarissa, Jase. I thought you were coming. That must probably be your children.
"Yeah, those are Clary's and my kids!" Jase confirms. Our kids blink at him.
Chiara! Janik! How nice to meet you. I am one of the silent brothers. We communicate by talking inside the heads of others. Surely you know Brother Zachariah. After the war he left the Brotherhood and left. If he heard you were back, Clarissa, he'd probably throw up his hands. What do you think of? Come with me for the first time.
Jase goes in the back while I go right behind the Brother of Silence. Even though I already know the way, it seems so long to me. I still remember walking here with Jase for the first time. Again we end up down in this hall. At that time we tried to regain my memories of my mother.
Clarissa please step out into the middle. I am prompted. I follow the prompt. I see Jase holding the kids back out of the corner of my eye.

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